25.5.2022 - 29.6.2022 (Week 9 - Week 14)

Er Xin Ru (Melanie) | 0354939 
Bachelor Of Design (Hons) In Creative Media | Taylor's University
Subject : GCD61204 - Digital Photography & Imaging

Task 3 | Final Project
- Cinemagraph

Week 10: Intro to After Effects

What is After Effects?

Adobe After Effects is a 2.5D animation software used for animation, visual effects, and motion picture compositing. 

After Effects is used in film, TV, and web video creation.

This software is used in the post-production phase, and has hundreds of effects that can be used to manipulate imagery. This allows you to combine layers of video and images into the same scene.

Compositing Layers in Photoshop

Basically Photoshop is a platform to compositing the layers.

All the layers need to be arrange and rename accordingly so that it will be organize and easy to be animated in After Effects

Compositing Layers in After Effects

Adobe After Effects is a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application.

Basically we can import elements such as images, video, vector and more into After Effects. 

All the layer elements need to be organized and synchronized to the external software platforms such as Photoshop & Illustrator. 

After Effects files does not embed its media, it links to it.


After Effects Exercise
1. Download the PSD composition below:
2. Import the W10_ANIMATE.psd into Adobe After Effects.
3. Create a composition setting 1080 px (Width) x 1920 px (Height), Duration 15 second
4. Create a keyframe animation to the layers using Position (P), Scale (S) & Masking path.
5. Render output: Quicktime (.MOV) or .MP4
6. Upload your exercise into your Youtube Channel.
7. Update your progress and video to your E-Portfolio blog.
8. Attach your E-Portfolio link on this Submission.

I do lot of research and start to do seeing the tutorial videos that record by Mr.Fauzi during zoom class. Firstly, I start with arrange the files and also elements, movement and timeline.

Fig 1 - Starting After Effects pages

I arrange the file neatly and files so it won't be messy in the end.
Fig 2 - Imported PSD Files in AE

Vid 1 - First try on doing the animating

After doing it, I save it to the file accordingly following the steps that Mr.Fauzi have taught us, so in the end it won't be so messy.

Fig 3 - Process of Animating 

After that, I created the animating one by one with the timeline too. 
1. Typewriter
2. Fencer
3. Shark
4. Projector
5. Texture

I also added different movement as the tutorial shown that I wanted to explore more of it.
1. Scale
2. Rotation
3. Anchor Point
4. Position 
and others to make the animation look interesting.

Fig 4 - Process of Animating, end of animating

Vid 4 - Final Animating with elements and movement

Once the video is complete, it is ready for export. Select "Add to Render Queue" from the menu.

Fig 5 - Render Queue

Export in QuickTime (.MOV) and upload in Youtube.

After Effects Exercise - Final Video
W10 Practical : After Effects Exercise (0354939)


Self-titled is an exploration project for the students to express their own individuality and reflect their personality into digital art self-expression.

The main idea is to build up self-confidence and discover their interest.

Idea Exploration
1. Write a biography about yourself


Tell us about yourself

I’m Melanie that currently staying in Petaling Jaya and i’m 22 years old. Since when i was young, i was told that i’ve talent in designing and create creative artwork. So in my diploma, i’ve choose a courses which are related to design too which is Entrepreneurial Design in UOW KDU University. After graduate, i’ve choose to become a freelance designer, exploring other’s interest and industry which i want to experience the things i’ve not tried. But then, i still decided to continue my studies as i’ve still passionate in designing.


What is your passion?

I discovered that designing visuals is mostly where my passion lies. Since I'm a passionate design student, my aesthetic tastes may differ from those of ordinary people, so I always like sharing my passion for design with people around me. I can express many crazy ideas through design, and I'm always satisfied with the results. I now understand my design skills are passable, which is a part of my talent for creating and designing. Since I'm a passionate design student, my aesthetic tastes may differ from those of ordinary people, so I always like sharing my passion for design and inspire with people around me. 


What’s motivate you to achieve your dream?

I sincerely believe it is because my strength, passion, skills, and talents in designing. it’s motivate me and i believe i may grow into a competent designer in the future. Of course, talent is useless without practice. I hope that my actions will have an impact on others around me and help society as a whole to achieve better futures. 


How do you want to visualize your dream into an artwork?

Firstly, inside the artwork there will be me inside as i want to be the leading role. The whole concept and colour will be playful and colourful with my designing skill. As i want to express I'm

2. Write a statement about your work


Tell us about your work
This animation is named “The Instinct of Bizarre”. There are some beliefs out there, research or chasing about something abnormal. Questions are about why are people believing in such an odd incident. Is it out there? Or is it imagination? No one will know.


What is the concept behind it?

The concept behind this creation is to demonstrate what if the human mind is controlled by “aliens” and accidentally reveals itself due to over-controlled. As you can see from the poster, the colour shows a lot of unknowns that I think it is fascinating to find out the truth even if it is an unknown matter. “aliens” is to present is our thoughts being controlled? Is this why we constantly change our opinions? “Eye” represents that over-controlled exposed the truth of itself.



What is the message you want people to understand it?

The message i want to give out is mostly most of the people are afraid to imagine all the unacceptable and impossible things and to break through their own thoughts. However, through this artwork i want to express that we can occasionally imagine crazy ideas, to explore and break the routine, so that everyone can keep on innovating new ideas to move forward.


What is your motto/ quote?

Think “Bizarre”, Trust your “Instinct”, be innovative


1. Study and gather all related information about your topic.

MOOD BOARD (3 Poster reference)

Fig 1 - Reference 1 Mood Board (6/7/2022)

Fig 2 - Reference 2 Mood Board (6/7/2022)

Fig 3 - Reference 3 Mood Board (6/7/2022)

Design Direction

1. Sketch your mock up poster:

Fig 4 - Sketches 1 (6/7/2022)

Fig 5- Sketches 2 (6/7/2022)

1. Create a digital poster based on your sketch

Fig 6 - Digital Sketches 1 (6/7/2022)

Fig 7 - Digital Sketches 2 (6/7/2022)

Execution and Post Production

Fig 8 - Final Poster (6/7/2022)



This poster/animation is named “The Instinct of Bizarre”. Why? Which there are some beliefs out there, research or chasing about something abnormal as what i’m always curious of. This questions me about why are people believing in such an odd incident. Is it out there? Or is it imagination? I always think about but it will always be a mystery.

Before creating, the concept behind this creation is to demonstrate what if the human mind is controlled by “aliens” and accidentally reveals itself due to over-controlled. 

PART 3: WEEK 13 (10 Marks)
PART 3: VIDEO PROGRESS | Animation & Finishing

Fig 8 - Progress 1 (6/7/2022)

Fig 9 - Progress 2 (6/7/2022)

Fig 10 - Progress 3 (6/7/2022)

Fig 11 - Progress 4 (6/7/2022)





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