Video and Sound Production | Project 1: Audio Editing Exercises

 Video and Sound Production | Project 1: Audio Editing Exercises

29.8.2022 - 2.12.2022 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Er Xin Ru (Melanie) | 0354939 
Bachelor Of Design (Hons) In Creative Media | Taylor's University
Subject: VSP60104 - Video and Sound Production


Week 2 Film Sound 

Sound Elements: The mixing sound elements below creates an audio setting that supports the action and engages the spectators.

  • Speech
  • Sound effects
  • Music
1. Speech - Dialogue, Voice over.
Speech is one of the most important tools for understanding the story of the film.
Dialogue: Conversation between characters in movie.
Voice over: The voice of an unseen narrator speaking.

2. Sound effects - Ambience (backgrounds); Hard or "cut" effects.
Ambience: Audio refers to the background noise present at a given scene or a location.

Hard or "cut" effects: Almost every sound we hear at the movies that isn't dialogue or music is a sound effect. Train sliding door open and close, foot steps, train moving on tracks, ambience in train etc.

3. Music - Music in movie is to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact.

Dubbing: Or automated Dialog Replacement (ADR), is the process of re-recording dialogue after the filming process to improve audio quality or reflect dialogue changes

Foley: A sound effects technique for synchronous effects or live effects.
The Foley technique are named for Jack Foley, a sound editor at Universal Studios


PROJECT 1- EXERCISE 1: Audio Dubbing

Sync the required audios in Premiere Pro (Speech & Sound effects only, no music):

Soul follows a middle school music teacher named Joe Gardner, who seeks to reunite his soul and his body after they are accidentally separated, just before his big break as a jazz musician.

Project 1 Exercise 1: Audio Dubbing
The assignment goal
Sync the required audios in Premiere Pro (Speech & Sound effects only, no music)

Speech: Record with phone.
Sound Effects: Find online

Google Drive Link provide by Mr.Martin:

Process of Work
Apply the video to new project in Premier Pro.

Project 1 - Audio Dubbing (Only Background)

Project 1 - Audio Dubbing (Final - Script with Background)

Project 1: Exercise 2 Sound Shaping
Applying environmental effects to given sound files.

Google Drive Link provide by Mr.Martin:

Process of Work
Apply the audio in Adobe Audition

1. Voice in Closet_Sound Shaping


2. Voice Phone Call_Sound Shaping

3. Voice in the Cave_Sound Shaping

4. Voice in the Toilet_Sound Shaping

Project 1: Exercise 3 Sound Design
This assignment is an exercise in applying environmental effects to 3 given sound files.

Google Drive Link provide by Mr.Martin:

1. Explosion layering Mixdown_Audio Editing

2. Monster of Alien Voice_ Audio Editing

3. Punch_mixdown_ Audio Editing


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