Video & Sound Production | Project 2: Video Shooting & Editing

 Video & Sound Production | Project 2: Video Shooting & Editing

29.8.2022 - 2.12.2022 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Er Xin Ru (Melanie) | 0354939 
Bachelor Of Design (Hons) In Creative Media | Taylor's University
Subject: VSP60104 - Video and Sound Production


Week 3 Shooting Practise

Frame size vs Choice of lens
Lenses should be changed depending on the application, such as frame size.

Fig 1 - Lenses

Able to select various focal lengths within the lens range.

Fig 2 - Range

Comparing differences between wide angle/ standard/ tele lenses by shooting same subject

Fig 3 - Comparing Differences

Different lenses produce differences between wide/standard/tele angle, even if it is the same subject.

Fig 4 - W.S Example

Wide Shot- W.S
Shoot wide angle (18mm-30mm)

Fig 5 - M.S Example

Medium Shot- M.S | Shoot standard angle (40mm-50mm)
Medium Close-up Shot- M.C.U | Shoot standard angle (45mm-55mm)

Fig 6 - M.C.U Example

Headroom refers to enough room for the subject's head. Space around their head yet not too much. Too low in the frame (too much headroom) makes them appear short. Not enough headroom makes them look tall and scrunched. Correct headroom gives the subject just enough space around their head to make them look comfortable.

Fig 7 - Headroom

5. Week3 Storytelling in Film 
Story: The set of all the events in cause-effect relationship occuring in time and space, both the ones explicitly presented and those the viewer infers, constitutes the story.

Plot: Everything visibly and audibly present in the film, and material that is extraneous to the story world.

Story & Plot:
Story = What happened?
Plot = Why they happened? And how?

Plot Segmentation
The best method for understanding a film’s narrative system is to create a plot segmentation, a scene-by-scene outline of the entire film.

What is the Three Act Structure - Diagram
Fig 15 - Plot Segmentation

Story & Plot: 3 – ACT Structure

Setup / introduction of a story

Confrontation of a problem 

Resolution of problems

Story Structure
Plot Point I: "the plot thickens"
•The "inciting incident"
•Turn the story in a new direction
•Sets up what Act Two is going to be
•Raises the stakes
•Reminder of the narrative enigma; presents the possibility of a different outcome 

Plot Point II: "the longest mile”
•The "Climactic Turning Point"
•Protagonist's quest reaches critical mass
•Possible solution is presented
•Biggest cliffhanger: will the protagonist win or lose?

3 act structure:

Fig 17 - 3 Acts Structure
Act 1
  • To introduce the world.
  • To introduce the main characters.
  • To establish the dramatic situation.
  • Leads to an incident that complicates the story (PLOT POINT 1).

Act 2
  • Known as ‘Rising Action’.
  • To develop obstacles / complications.Leads to climax of the story (PLOT POINT 2).
Act 3
  • Ending of climax
  • Answer to all obstacles / problems
  • Tying the loose ends

5. 3 act structure exercise 2: Lalin (2005)

Fig 18 - Lalin

Lalin' is a Thai girl living in Sapporo, Japan; where no one knows her and can live under a new identity. Posing as a modern beauty, she becomes an idol on the internet. The reality is that Lalin hiding from the world and striving for self-acceptance
Fig.1-8: Bad Example of Headroom

Week 2 Shooting Exercise: Framing

Project 2 Shooting and Editing consist of:
4 Editing exercises (Individual)
1 Shooting exercise (Individual)
1 Shooting & Editing exercise (Shooting: Group; Editing: Individual)

I shoot the angle view with my friend and we explore together on shooting the angles.

I shoot total of 6 videos of the following angles.
1. Medium Shot (M.S)
2. Medium Close-Up Shot (M.C.S)
3. Medium Wide Shot (M.W.S)
4. Extreme Wide Shot (E.W.S)
5. Extreme Close Up (E.C.U)
6. Over the Shoulder Shot (O.S)

VSP Shooting Exercise: Framing (Week2)

Fig 1 - Shot Videos
Fig 2 - File save for JPEG & PDF

Fig 3 - Medium Shot (M.S)

Fig 4 - Medium Close-Up Shot (M.C.S)

Fig 5 - Medium Wide Shot (M.W.S)

Fig 6 -Extreme Wide Shot (E.W.S)

Fig 7 -Extreme Close Up (E.C.U)

Fig 8 - Over the Shoulder Shot (O.S)

Process of Work
Fig 9 - Editing the shooting video in PR (Premiere Pro)

Fig 10 - Final Framing & Storyboard Shots ( Shooting & Editing)

Youtube Link :

Week 2 Premiere Pro Editing Exercise 1 Lalin

Week 3 | 3–ACT Structure Exercise
We analyzed existing stories using the 3-act structure method described in the Lecture section.



Exercise 1 Lalin

Process of Work
Before start, I put the footage and graphic into Premiere Pro.

We need to edit the video according according the given storyboard in Google Drive, below are the Storyboard.

Premiere Pro Editing Exercise 1 Lalin

Premiere Pro Editing Exercise 1 Lalin - 0.30 Seconds Editing
Youtube Link:

Week 4 Music Video (MV Shooting)
Requirements of Angles Shots
  • Wide Shot - high angle (You, Solo)
  • 3 single full body shots - eye level (You at the middle+2 of your team members)
  • Medium Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Medium Close-up Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Close-up Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Extreme Close-up Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Wide Shot - Low angle (You, Solo)
Choosing of the music - Pink Venom by Blackpink

pink venom: Pink Venom showcases deathly side of famous K-pop group  BLACKPINK - The Economic Times

I decided to do the shooting at my house carpark, and for 3 person Music video I've called 2 of my friend to record the same dance/movement in the music video. 

I use my camera to shoot - CAMERA CANON M50

Process in Premiere Pro 

Final Submission of Music Video

Shots are all used in this MV
  • Wide Shot - high angle (You, Solo)
  • 3 single full body shots - eye level (You at the middle+2 of your team members)
  • Medium Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Medium Close-up Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Close-up Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Extreme Close-up Shot - Eye level (You)
  • Wide Shot - Low angle (You, Solo)
Week 6 Editing Production Shoot Video
This video shoot was a group assignment and was conducted at Taylor University. The environments varied, including outside and inside, and the sound was recorded separately with special microphones for recording the sound. Audio sync is required first to match the video and audio.

There are briefing for the team before starting.

Production shooting - Crew List
Producer - Kim Minjoon
Director - Arwinda
Assistant Director - Loh Qiao Yin, Alana Sofia
Sound Recordist - Gina, Shin Er
Gaffer - Gita, Christie
Director of Photography - Sherly, Melanie
Production Designer/Art Director - Arata, Jordan
Actor - Andy Lo Yu Hang
Actress - Han Le

Here are some of the photos we have fun together for the Shooting

Process in Premiere Pro 

Final Submission - Production Shooting


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