DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - TASK 1 - 4 | Primary Research/Critical Review /Research Proposal UX/UI /Research Reflection Report

 DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - TASK 1: Primary Research/ TASK 2: Critical Review / TASK 3:Research Proposal UX/UI / TASK 4: Research Reflection Report

29.8.2022 - 2.12.2022 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Er Xin Ru (Melanie) | 0354939 
Bachelor Of Design (Hons) In Creative Media | Taylor's University 
Task 1-4 - Design Research Methodology


Research Proposal 20% - Individual

RES60604 : 



Research Proposal UX/UI 20%

Full name: 

Er Xin Ru

Student's ID: 



Contact no: 



Bachelor of Design in Creative Media (UX/UI)

Week 01 - Week 04

The proposal outlines your research topic and area, setting a stage for further development in the research process in this module.

Students are to select a topic within the realms of multimedia, art and design, and visual culture in which they are interested in studying by focusing on a specific area in that topic. It is essential to consider research in areas of specialization that students intend to pursue in the higher semester of this programme (UI/UX, Entertainment Design, Graphic Design, Digital Animation, Simulation Design and Immersive Design). Subsequently, to integrate issues or themes encompassing either Design Culture or Design for Future Making or Social Design as an element that can be chosen to be integrated and ultimately drive the meaningful design research. The selection should be based not only on interest but also on adequate and substantial research from reading relevant academic sources.

They are to:

  1. Identify a Research Problem within a topic of research

  2. Write a Research Rationale

  3. Write a Problem Statement pertaining to the research problem

  4. Identify relevant Research Objective(s) - ROs

  5. Formulate a Research Question(s) – RQs pertaining to the Research
    Objective(s) – ROs

  6. Place a Title of the Research

During weekly tutorials, students must present their progress through PowerPoint. An individual tutorial feedback form will be filled out by the students and endorsed by the lecturer to record the students' learning progress.

Assessment Criteria

Digital submission in Google classroom / Microsoft Teams and e- portfolio blog.

1 Students to locate an area of research within a topic. (MLO 1.3) 

2 Students to apply research skills. (MLO 1.3)

3 Students to synthesize design and research. (MLO 1.3)

Draft 1 :

Research Proposal 

Er Xin Ru 


Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media

Specialization: UX/UI Design

Research Topic: 

UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience

Research Problem:

Understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use 


The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adoption of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently highlighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. 

“UX Curve” method which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how and why their experience with a product has changed over time. In particular, we investigated how users’ specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willingness to recommend the product to others. 

The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfaction and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. 

This highlights that sustaining perceived attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how these reasons relate to customer loyalty.


User Experience - customer satisfaction and product usability 

Long term User Experience relates to measuring important things like customer satisfaction and product usability. But most of the user experience design related studies are more focused on evaluating short term user experience and also on areas related to the new product adoption in day to day life. 

However, the long-term relationship of the user with the product and their experience during the interval is important in highlighting market success. User Experience not only depends on usability of the product but also on the enjoyability of it as well but a shorter time frame for judging a product sometimes misses out important data to make business decisions. In the paper I studied, "cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data is argued" which means long term user experience will be evaluated in a cost effective method. 

A Method called " UXCURVE" is developed which helps or assists users in reporting their experience over the time with the product retrospectively.

Draft 2:

Research Proposal 

Er Xin Ru 


Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media

Specialization: UX/UI Design

Research Title: 

The Importance of UI/UX Design in Mobile Applications

Research Topic: 

  • Importance of (UI/UX) ? Branding Design (referring) apply in Mobile Applications (specific) classification - suit my branding design to promote anything

Research Problem: 

The problem of not (understanding your Users needs) that affects the failure of Mobile Application Failure.

Research Rationale:

People ignore design that ignores people.”

Good design is all about prioritizing users. An idea or product that is not ‘putting the user first’ will ultimately fail. You can develop the most innovative mobile application, but if it isn’t considering the user’s need or lack user-friendliness, it simply will not have the success that you have envisioned. UI/UX branding is not just about making things look pretty but it goes much further than that. 

UX or user experience design is a calculated process that tells us about ‘how users feel’ when they interact with your brand, what motivates them, the challenges they face, their complete user-journey; Usability, in short. 

88% of online shoppers say they wouldn’t return to a website after having a bad user experience. So, have a clear idea of what your users are looking for. Products like the iPhone would not have become successful if they lacked a great UI/UX design.

Speaking of UI design or user interface, it is all about creating a visual brand identity using different typography, color palettes, images, icons, buttons, and animations. Users form 75% of their judgment of a website’s credibility purely on its aesthetics. Therefore, UI elements delight the user aesthetically. Both UI and UX design are related and go hand in hand but no, they are not the same thing. 

Problem Statement:

Mostly UX designer mistakes can be attributed to one root cause failing to understand your users well enough. 

In fact, it’s one of the top reasons apps fail overall, according to this survey provided.

Source from :

Not knowing your users’ needs when designing UX is like driving without a map. You risk introducing design decisions that aren’t aligned with your audience.

When it comes to user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, many companies think that looks are more important than function. This can lead to a frustrating user experience that can drive customers away. Poor UI and UX design can be found in everything from websites to mobile apps, and it can be extremely frustrating for users when they can’t easily find what they’re looking for or when buttons and menus are difficult to navigate.

One common pitfall in UI/UX design is over-complicating things. When there are too many options or elements on the screen, users can find it difficult to know where to focus their attention. This can lead to confusion and frustration, especially if the user is trying to complete a task. Another common issue is using ambiguous icons and labels.

Bad UI/UX can either make or break your business. Here are three reasons why your B2B software app’s UI/UX needs to improve. a. Bad UI/UX: It will cost you more in the long run.


The Importance of User Interface Design in Mobile Applications

Importance of Effective UI/UX in Mobile App Development

Bad UI/UX Design really that big of a problem for businesses

Why User Experience (UX) is Important to Branding

Role of Branding in UI Design

UX and UI Design in Mobile app Development Process

App UX design: Top mistakes to avoid when creating an app

Case Studies:

Top 10 Useful Apps UI/UX Design Case Studies

Mobile App Design Process: UX/UI Case Study

User Experience Design (UXD) of Mobile Application: An Implementation of a Case Study

Other Topic:

Importance of UI UX Design in an App Development Process

More Reference:

Design plays a significant role in building a brand identity. People remember and associate brands with logos, colors, fonts, and design patterns. We are living in a digital age, therefore, having an online presence is important for gaining a competitive edge. When it comes to website or mobile app design, creative UI/UX is a mammoth, meaning it’s of great importance. Mammoths are huge and so are the UX/UI design styles. 

Anyway, differentiate offerings from that of the competition in the market. The process of distinguishing your own brand is called branding, which ensures that you stand out from the crowd by offering exceptional user experience. The most effective way of UI/UX design and branding is to understand your brand first. 

Apart from visuals, the brand includes the overall user interaction and experience. UX is key to branding and brand identity is inseparable from the brand experience.

The role of UI/UX design in branding is straightforward; create clean and convenient user interface design that reflects product qualities for seamless customer experience. But ‘excess of everything is bad’, do not overdo your design, because crowded designs negatively impact the UX. 


1. Identify a Research Problem within a topic of research OK

2. Write a Research Rationale (with citation) OK

3. Write a Problem Statement with citations about the research problem OK

4. Identify relevant Research Objective(s) - ROs OK

5. Formulate a Research Question(s) – RQs about the Research Objective(s) – ROs OK

6. Place a Title of the Research on the first page of this submission OK

7. Added the References used at this initial research stage (reliable one, please!) in the APA version 7 referencing style (link shared in MIB). You will also learn in the Research 101, Library Information and Literacy Workshop in week 4.OK

Draft 3: Final (Slides) - Submitted in Google Drive and Google Classroom

Research Proposal 

Er Xin Ru 


Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media

Specialization: UX/UI Design

Research Topic: 

User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) of E-Commerce Mobile Application 

Research Title: 

User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) of Online Shopping Mobile App Design among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76)

Research Problem: 

Mostly Baby-Boomers (Elderly) users still prefer buying In-Stores Shopping rather than Online Shopping because they are not familiar and hardly to adapt it

Research Rationale (Citation APA):

Baby Boomers born between the mid-1940s and the early 1960s (Age 58-76), Baby Boomers were initially slow to adopt shopping online, relying on traditional methods for everything from buying daily products to making business-to-business purchasing decisions. (Hjalm, 2022)

Technology and the internet help everyone in daily life, but many elderly (Baby-Boomers) feel difficulty using Mobile Apps; they make themselves away from Mobile Apps and fear using technology because of lack of technology knowledge and show less interest in the digital society. However, when they return to the technology world, negative Aging people are faced with many problems while using the latest Mobile App technology. There is a need to work on aging adults' design and problems faced by aging persons. The design and evaluation of mobile interfaces for aging adults are becoming more important as the population ages and their use of technology increases. (Maria Latif, 2019)

The usage of mobile technologies is making it an essential part of our daily life. User experience depends on the usefulness and usability of an application or technology. These concepts are measured with a high degree of quality when checking the functionality of a mobile service provided by a mobile application. Leading technologies make interactions easy and increase user quality of experience. For Elderly, mobile technologies must be easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology. To achieve usability goals, older adults should be designed carefully and used effectively by mobile technologies. Mobile design interfaces matter a lot for all these concepts. (Li & Luximon, 2019)

Problem Statement (Citation APA) about the research problem:

The use of mobiles by Baby Boomers has been increasing in recent times. The mobile interface is a problem for older adults because it is difficult to understand many changes in mobile interface design and apps. There is a need for a universal design for them. Aging people use special mobile phone interfaces to solve their problems. There is a requirement to have easygoing interfaces to solve the problems they mostly face during complex mobile interface design. The development of new multimode applications for smartphones, to make the elder healthier, addressing the problem of medication factors to non-adherence to age-related as inherent medication, increase cognitive and de-motivation management providing multimodality fully supporting the medication. (Maria Latif, 2019)

Mobile interface and design for older adults is important as the mobile interface is an important issue for aged people; because sudden and regular changes in mobile interface and also in the design of apps is creating problems for them. It is difficult to understand changes in the interface for them. There needs to be universal design and interface for aging people to easily use and understand mobile interfaces and mobile apps. (Maria Latif, 2019)

Design of mobile phones for older adults is important as the use of mobiles in elderly is increasing in recent times. They are no longer used only for voice talk and text communica- tion; smart phones can also be consumed as assistive technologies via the different applications installed on mobile. Complex inter- face and complicated designs of the app is a big issue for aging people to get benefits from mobile technology. It is very important to include older adults in design to make sure the aging generation gets assistance from this technology. (Maria Latif, 2019)

Privacy issues in Mobile apps are the biggest problem in this field. Some of these problems arise due to third-party privacy software used in mobile devices. Some mobile apps take the user further into a privacy system which becomes a problem for users. However, there are still problems the elderly are worrying about, such as Sensitive data tracking and permissions, Third-party data sharing, and Malicious mobile apps that are really dangerous if you are not familiar with them. For Example, mobile tracking and Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth tracking systems. So, with different mobile devices the biggest problem is solved. (Tan, 2022)

Difficulties in the adoption of UI feature to Elderly with health problem does not have the aptitude to use electronic devices, should have a desire to control its media- cation personas commonly through the computer or mobile device speak with family and friend and primary parsons requirements identifying following expectations wants to able use of same application of arthritis, report a side effect, report medication, application prevent should gap in medication, and provide alerts. User interface based on big text and images created vision problems on low proficiency with technology. Usually, elders and UI follow the extra bars, icons, and buttons, avoiding Metro-style guidelines. Furthermore, auto zoom users are aware of difficulties adapting to UI features.

Research Objective

  • To explore the difficulties faced by Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping on User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) towards Mobile Application

  • To explore the User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) Thinking from Baby Boomers (Elderly) Perspective on Mobile app

  • The Effect of User Interface, User Experience and Design on Mobile Online Shopping app of Baby Boomers (Elderly)

Formulate a Research Question(s) – RQs about the Research Objective(s) 

  • How does User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) design affect the experience of Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping Mobile applications?

  • What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) and Design of Mobile Online Shopping app 

  • How to make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) choose and trust Online Shopping through using Mobile App would help and being convenience to them?

PDF File - Research Proposal 20% - Individual

PDF File - Research Proposal 20% - Slides

Individual - Critical Review 20%

RES60604 : 



Individual - Critical Review 20%

Full name: 

Er Xin Ru

Student's ID: 



Contact no: 



Bachelor of Design in Creative Media (UX/UI)

Name : Er Xin Ru (0354939)

Module Name : Design Research Methodology 

Task 2 : Critical Review

Research Topic : 

User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) of E-Commerce Mobile Application

Research Title : 

User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76)

Research Problem : 

Challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications 

Overall Critical Review of 5 articles

Article 1

How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives? 2020

Article 2

Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage 2021

Article 3

Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults 2019

Article 4

The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults 2022

Article 5

Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers)


The main area of research that is studied in the 5 articles reviewed is about User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) and Research Problem which is challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications.

The first article “How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives?” was written by Muhammad Syah Fibrika Ramadhan, Nisrina Anggi Syahputri in year 2020. This research aims to find out the difference among baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives in their dependence on technology and how it affects their shopping behavior including the shopping objective, shopping frequency, deciding online or offline, shopping hour as well as brand choice. Which also identified that younger generations will feel that it is an easy task to learn how to use the technology for online shopping, but they assume it’s not the case for older generations like baby boomers as they might have a harder time learning how to use the technology. 

The second article “Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage

” was written by Mujtaba Awan , Sikandar Ali , Mushtaq Ali, Muhammad Faisal Abrar , Hamid Ullah, and Dawar Khan in year 2021. This research studies with the latest technology, smartphones can have a big impact on users of all ages, but older people always have trouble getting used to new technology. When older people are the target audience for a smartphone app, it's important that it's easy to use, since the designer didn't meet the specific requirements. Because of how important smartphone apps are and how hard it is for older people to use smartphones, we made a list of problems that could make it hard for older people to use smartphone apps. The main goal of this study was to find out what makes smartphones hard to use, especially for older people. The study's results will help deal with problems that affect older people and will help designers make smartphone apps that fit those needs.

The third article “Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults?” was written by Toseef Aslam and Maria Latif in 2019. This study aims to demonstrate how mobile technology is becoming an increasingly important aspect of daily living. The utility and usability of a technology or programme affect user experience. When evaluating the functioning of a mobile service offered by a mobile application, these two ideas are measured with a high degree of quality. Leading technologies simplify interactions and improve user satisfaction. Mobile technologies must be intuitive to older individuals, meaningful to them, engaging, and inspiring them to use technology. Mobile technologies need to be properly designed and effectively used by older persons to meet usability goals.

The fourth article “The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults” was written by Khairull Anuar Ismail and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid in 2022. This study aims to show that with the latest technology, smartphones can have a big impact on users of all ages, but older people always have trouble getting used to new technology. When older people are the target audience for a smartphone app, it's important that it's easy to use, since the designer didn't meet the specific requirements. Considering how important smartphone apps are and how hard it is for older people to use smartphones, there is a list of problems that could make it hard for older people to use smartphone apps. The main goal of this study was to find out what makes smartphones hard to use, especially for older people. The study's results will help deal with problems that affect older people and will help designers make smartphone apps that fit those needs.

The fifth article “Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers) was written by Saroja Dhanapal, Deeparechigi Vashu and Thanam Subramaniam

in 2015. This study aims the internet has had a revolutionary effect on communications and transactions in daily life. It is the most rapidly rising shopping method. The purpose of Internet shopping is also to acquire goods and services. This study's objective is to enlighten on concerns associated with online shopping of "Baby Boomers," "Generation X," and "Generation Y" members of the general public to determine their impressions of internet shopping and the obstacles they experience when shopping online.

From the researcher’s observations, the perspective of the studies shown in the 5

articles are similar in terms of them focusing on User Experience in Mobile Online Shopping and the Challenges and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) in Mobile applications.


Gives a summary of the main points of the article and a few examples. A brief explanation of the writer’s purpose and the organization of the text can also be added.This section of the critical review should be no longer than one third of the whole.

The main area of research that is i had find and studied in total of 5 articles reviewed is about User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) and Research Problem which is challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications. There are 2 articles that are more focused on UX of Mobile applications, while the other 3 are more focused on the challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications

The 5 articles include : Article 1,How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives? 2020. Article 2, Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage 2021. Article 3, Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults 2019. Article 4,The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults 2022. Article 5,Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers).

The entire article focused on how the User experience (UX) of online shopping in mobile applications affects Baby-Boomers and the obstacles they have encountered while purchasing online. The User experience (UX) is a significant influence on Baby Boomers. It is difficult for Baby-Boomers to understand the continuous changes in mobile interface design and apps, making the mobile usability difficult for them.


Discusses and evaluates the strengths, weaknesses and important features of the text. The discussion should be based on specific criteria and include other sources to support it (with references).

Main Body (CRITIQUE): Structure, Methodology, Reasons or Evidence

Each of these articles have identified the problems, issues, the research questions or

the certain area they intend to solve and study. According to the 5 articles, It is counted as a secondary source as the authors did some of the research through different articles.

How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives? 2020

This Article is about technology has made life easier in many ways, not everyone is unduly reliant on it. Some of them, particularly members of the baby boomer generation, have a propensity to live an old-fashioned lifestyle. This study aims to determine the differences between three generations, including baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives, in terms of their dependence on technology and how it affects their shopping behavior, including the shopping objective, shopping frequency, decision regarding whether to shop online or offline, shopping hour, and brand choice. The data was analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance (Katawetawaraks & Chayapa & Cheng Lu Wang, 2013). The findings indicate that members of different generations—baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives have distinct reactions to the degree to which they are dependent on technology in terms of their shopping habits. On the other hand, there is not a discernible change between the three generations. When it comes to buying, each generation has developed unique habits. Therefore, in order to provide the necessary marketing, the marketer needs to know what kind of generation their target audience belongs to (Francisco J, García-Peñalvo, Miguel Ángel Conde & Vicente Matellán-Olivera, 2014), (Hazrina Hassan & Mohd Hairul Nizam Md Nasir, 2008) .

It is important to recognise the baby boomer generation due to the scale of its population as well as the unique social and demographic qualities it possesses. In comparison to their predecessors, the traditionalists, Baby Boomers are more likely to have high levels of education, to exhibit positive behavior, and to come from a more racially and culturally varied background. In terms of shopping behavior in the modern age, the majority of consumers still favor making offline purchases and going to actual stores to make those purchases, despite the fact that they make use of modern technology, in this case smartphones, for communication(Narwal, Mahabir & Geeta Sachdeva, 2013). According to the findings of a study conducted by Samanjar Ashraf and Rodrigo Pérez-Vega (2015), younger generations will believe that it is an easy task to learn how to use technology to engage in online shopping. On the other hand, the researchers assume that this is not the case for older generations, such as baby boomers, who may have a more difficult time learning how to use technology.

To review on the structure of this paper, this paper is a primary source and is an original research carried out the studies. All of the sections of this paper are effective and the continuity of sections is good because all the subtopics are labeled clearly and the information provided is useful as well. However, there is a confusing part which is that the findings are too little but overall are good and clear.

The methodology used in this paper is qualitative research because there is a use of Participants, Data Analysis & Instrument. The main weakness of the study is the involvement of different groups of people in conducting investigations if there is the difference in the influence of technological dependence toward shopping behavior among three generations (baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives) which might affect the accuracy of Baby-Boomers result.

To further analyze the data, the one-way ANOVA is used to investigate if there is the difference in the influence of technological dependence toward shopping behavior among three generations (baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives). The further analysis described the responses of participants to each statement of the instrument. One-way ANOVA is run to find out the interaction effect among different generations on technological dependence towards shopping behavior. 

After that, the optimization process in the second stage of this research was based on a the percentage of participants’ responses to item which shown that each generation that is investigated in this research (baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives) have the different shopping behaviors including the shopping objective, shopping frequency, deciding online or . offline, shopping hour and brand choice. 

Overall, the data adequately support the conclusion drawn by the authors. This research did

provide a clearer view of how technological dependence affects consumer shopping behavior among baby boomers, millennials and digital natives. As a result, this paper is satisfactory and concrete in general. Besides, the authors make no attempt to specify why college students are chosen for this research instead of other age groups.

Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage 2021

This Article is about the elderly are not very familiar with mobile technology and face difficulty while using the device. The user interface of the existing smartphones is primarily complex and is developed by targeting mainly the young and not the elderly ( Qingchuan Li & Yan Luximon, 2019). Elderly users are neglected in the design phase of mobile applications, and the designers do not concentrate on the needs and requirements of elderly people (R. Leung, C. Tang, S. Haddad, J. Mcgrenere, P. Graf, and V. Ingriany, 2012). Although elderly users are willing to adopt the technology that helps them maintain their quality of life due to the complex interface, they cannot avail themselves of the benefits of smartphones. As a result, the reason for the different issues is discussed from two different views. The first is their age-related problems, i.e., cognitive and physical abilities, memory decline, mental models, and sensory function, making it harder for them to interact with new technologies (Lynn Gitlow, 2014). The weakness is software design; the designers do not carefully design applications regarding elderly user needs and requirements. The designer should come up with a concrete solution that could help elderly people interact with smartphone applications. Previously, limited attention has been given by the designer to developing smartphone applications for elderly users. There isn't enough research on the specific needs of older people when it comes to smartphone apps (Lynn Gitlow, 2014).

Usability becomes essential when it comes to a smart-phone application. A high level of usability is critical when the target group is elderly users because they might have different disabilities. A usability evaluation approach for an educational application named Crossword was presented in (Lynn Gitlow, 2014). They concluded that usability issues are widely shared among the elderly regarding smartphone applications. They hope that the evaluation will be useful to application developers and smartphone designers. In another study, the various available smartphone applications for elderly healthcare were investigated. According to the literature, the most common challenge is the usability of smartphone applications (Nasrin Navabi, Fatemeh Ghaffari, Zahra Jannat-Alipoor, 2016). A systematic literature review on identifying the usability issues of smartphones was presented in. They divided the usability problems into three major groups: visual limitations; psychomotor limitations; and cognitive limitations. Based on the above discussion, the study’s objective is to examine the barriers to improving the usability of smartphone applications for elderly people (Nasrin Navabi, Fatemeh Ghaffari, Zahra Jannat-Alipoor, 2016)

To review on the structure of this paper, this paper is a primary source and is an original research carried out the studies. All of the sections of this paper are effective and the continuity of sections is good because all the subtopics are labeled clearly and the information provided is useful as well. However, there is a confusing part which is that the findings are too little but overall are good and clear.

The methodology used in this paper is quantitative research because there is a use of SLR include of

  • Research Questions : The present study focused on the us- ability barriers of the smartphone application for the elderly users

  • Data Sources such as appropriate databases and recommendations were identified. The data sources contained (i) IEEE Xplore, (ii) ACM Digital Library, (iii) Springer Link, (iv) Science Direct, (v) Google Scholar, Search Strings. 

  • Search strings : using keywords (and their alternatives) derived from existing literature and research questions including Criteria. The consideration articles that discuss barriers to the usability of a smartphone application concerning elderly users.

  • Exclusion Criteria 

  • Quality Criteria for Study Selection. Quality assessment (QA) is needed to emphasize the significance of the selected articles when discussing the outcomes and while guiding the interpretation of the outcomes 

  • Data Synthesis

  • Scientific Programming

The main weakness of the study is the involvement of the extracted data from the selected article used for evaluating research questions is gives the readers small portions of high

quality detail on the topic but there are too many verify. This method might be biased because the reviews given are only based on the study of authors and they might miss out some of the important aim to identify the barriers to the interaction of elderly users with smartphone applications to improve the effectiveness of smartphone applications. Since most of the studies have highlighted different aspects of smartphone applications for elderly users that hinder the adoption.The usability of relevant problems in the context of elderly age people has been previously ignored.

After that, In this study, the AHP methodology is utilized to uncover numerous barriers to usability concerns among the elderly. Using the SLR technique, problems include a lack of experience and knowledge, visual feedback of functioning, unlabeled and unfamiliar icons, a menu with too many options, and navigational difficulties which will decrease the User experience when using mobile applications among Baby-Boomers. AHP was proposed to rank the categories and criteria in order to identify the most significant impediments. These significant barriers were discovered, which can provide instructions for the device designers and development team to alleviate the usability concerns for older individuals.

Overall, the information is very detailed and is so informative which mentions deficiencies in appraising the lifestyles, wants, and expectations of senior people, as technology is not extensively used by them due to their typical lack of awareness in this field. Therefore, it is essential to address the wants and demands of the elderly. In the design and development process of a smartphone application, the users are crucial. The authors do also mention that

they feel compelled to comment on and highlight the obstacles that make it difficult for senior people to use mobile computing devices and related technology. 

Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults 2019 

This Article is about What Mobile UX Design Means for Older People. latest mobile technology that can be hard for elderly adults. There needs to be more work done on how older people are designed and the problems they face (G.A. Wildenbos, 2017). As the population ages and more older people use technology, it's becoming more important to design and test mobile interfaces for older people (G.A. Wildenbos, 2017). With the help of technology, the health care system made a step forward that will help older people in their daily lives. It is important to give them access to new, easy-to-use technology that will make their lives easier, but they are still reluctant to use new things like mobile apps. 

Older adults have trouble with the mobile interface because it's hard for them to keep up with all the changes in design and apps. In recent years, there has been a rise in older persons using mobile devices. Older folks have trouble understanding various changes in mobile interface design and apps, which is an issue for the mobile interface. A universal design is required for them. Older individuals employ specialized mobile interfaces to address their issues. They must have user-friendly interfaces in order to address the issues that arise most frequently while designing complicated mobile user interfaces. Aiming to address the issue of medication factors to non-adherence to age-related as inherent medication, increase, cognitive and de-motivation management providing multimodality fully supporting the medication, new multimodal applications for Mobile phones are being developed to help older people become healthier (G.A. Wildenbos, 2017).

This paper conducts qualitative research. First, this paper provided a detailed explanation of the terms used in this paper. The authors then organized it into five sections. Section II describes the problems. Section III describes the methods. Section IV ad- dresses the results and comparisons of results. Section V summarizes the gaps and proposes future work. Section VI summarizes the conclusion of the paper. And the last section consists of references used in the paper. 

Then it explained The result of usability evaluation that highlights the application's weaknesses and strengths through the analysis of the opinion question of the medication assistant data collected from observation and notes on the regarding evaluation interaction, identified users consider several features to be more difficult to use. The interpretation is brief and straightforward, and it effectively supports all of the writers' ideas. In this study, inductive reasoning was used. 

Furthermore, there is a lack of evidence such as study or interview methods, in the argument in each section of this work. The authors did not rely on published articles to back up their statements, and the majority of the references come from websites and other articles. 

To summarize, despite the lack of proof or research, the information is detailed and easily understood. The author clearly emphasizes the usability of the applications as well as the intention of Baby-Boomer users for mobile app purchasing experience. This study paper lacks references to other journals and scientific publications that may ostensibly provide evidence and support its findings and explanations, raising concerns about the paper's quality. In comparison to other articles, this study report is ordinary.

The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults 2022 

This Article is about though older adults could be a market segment to consider in online shopping, there haven't been many studies done on how they shop online. Since this group is a possible market, it is important to look at past research to find out what motivates and stops this group from shopping online at Mobile apps. The results of this review are likely to help researchers in the future choose which variables to look into when studying how older people shop online at Mobile Apps. This review begins by talking about elderly adults and the online market opportunities for them in Malaysia.

Malaysian Older Adults' Online Market Prospects in world's adoption of digitization demonstrates the need for customers of all ages to adapt to the online environment (Chandra, 2019). However, not all consumers have reaped the same benefits from online purchasing, despite its growing relevance today (El Shamy & Hassanein, 2018). The internet shopping sector usually ignores and overlooks older folks (Kiattiwittayasakul, 2018), mostly because the focus is on the youth market (Soh et al., 2020; Rahman & Hussain, 2014). There is little research in the literature on older individuals as online shoppers (Soh et al., 2020; Kiattiwittayasakul, 2018; Kuoppamaki et al., 2017) and their online shopping behaviors (Kiattiwittayasakul, 2018). The research gap is the incapacity to investigate the role of technology-enabled platforms in the world's aging societies and populations (Nunan & Di Domenico, 2019). As a result, it is critical for practitioners and researchers alike to address all difficulties and concerns linked to serving the needs of older persons (Tobi et al., 2017), as this population has grown globally.

This paper conducts qualitative research. First, this paper provided a detailed explanation of the terms used in this paper. The authors then organized suitable studies pertaining to the interest of this study namely; the drivers and barriers of older adults online shopping behaviors, an electronic search using google scholar was conducted. This is where titles and abstracts of articles in the literature were reviewed to identify their suitability and relevance. This attempt was enhanced by usage of 13 keywords and their combination (older adult, older consumer, senior consumer, grey consumer, mature consumer, e-commerce, online shopping, online shopping behavior, online purchase intention, motivators, drivers, barriers and challenges) to help in searching for relevant studies. Using this method, 10 studies that examine the drivers and/or barriers of older adults online shopping behaviors were found, shortlisted and used for the current study’s review. 

Business Review, Decision Support System, International Journal of Business and Society, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Consumer Behavior, and Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. The review exercise also includes similar topics found from postgraduate theses and conference papers on drivers and barriers focused on older adults’ online shopping behaviors. To provide a review that is up-to-date and critical, only relevant studies published in google scholar from 2010 to 2020 were included for analysis.

Then it explained The result of usability evaluation that highlights the application's weaknesses and strengths through the analysis of the opinion question of the medication assistant data collected from observation and notes on the regarding evaluation interaction, identified users consider several features to be more difficult to use. The interpretation is brief and straightforward, and it effectively supports all of the writers' ideas. In this study, inductive reasoning was used. 

In addition, the argument presented in each individual part of this book lacks supporting evidence in the form of research or interview techniques, for example. To back up their claims, the majority of the references come from websites and other articles. 

In conclusion, although there is no evidence or research to support the claims made, the information is exhaustive and straightforward. The author places a strong emphasis not only on the usability of the programmes, but also on the intention of Baby Boomer users for their experience purchasing mobile apps. The absence of references to other journals and scientific papers in this study paper, which may allegedly give evidence and support the report's findings and interpretations, raises questions about the paper's overall quality. This study report is nothing special when compared to other studies that have been published. 

Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers)

This Article is about a study conducted among members of the general public, including members of the "Baby Boomer," "Generation X," and "Generation Y" generations, with the goal of determining how individuals of these generations feel about shopping online and the difficulties they encounter when doing so. The results suggested that social factors have a substantial association with online purchase behavior of the three generations. The results also showed that the danger associated with credit card transactions is regarded as the obstacle that is considered to be the most significant by all three generations. It is advised that additional research be done in order to explore the relationship between gender and online shopping behavior, with a particular emphasis on the Malaysian context, which is one of a kind due to the country's incredibly diverse population. Challenges Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y Face When Making Online Purchases where the samples were asked to list the typical difficulties they encounter when purchasing online by the researchers. Ten problems chosen from previous study findings were utilized as variables, and respondents were asked to rate how difficult they were to deal with when making an online purchase (David Gefen,2003).

This paper conducts qualitative research. First, this paper provided a detailed explanation of the terms used in this paper. The authors then organized suitable studies pertaining to theThis research was carried out among samples from the three generations to identify the perceptions and challenges of online shopping in Malaysia. The purpose was to identify whether there were any differences between the perceptions of the three generations. The findings indicated that the percentage of both females and males shopping online is almost similar. With regards to generations, the findings are consistent with past literature where it is shown that generation X and Y do online shopping more than Baby Boomers. In terms of products that are most purchased online by the three generations include cinema tickets, airline/railway tickets and holiday packages. The findings on the factors affecting online purchasing indicated that personal characteristics, psychological factors, cultural influence and marketing mix strategies do not significantly influence the generations in their online purchasing behavior. The only factor that was found to be significant in influencing the consumers’ decision to do online purchasing is social factors which consisted of products used by family and friends, products endorsed by celebrities, suppliers engaged in corporate social responsibility and there is online feedback of products. 

Then it explained The result of usability evaluation that highlights the application's weaknesses and strengths through the analysis of three generations. The argument offered in each particular section of this book lacks supporting material, such as research or interview methodologies. The majority of their references come from blogs and other articles to back up their statements. 

Furthermore, while there is no evidence or research to back up the assertions presented, the information is comprehensive and straightforward. The author emphasizes not only the usefulness of the programmes, but also recommended that research in this area can be further extended to analyze the differences in perceptions between the three predominant races in Malaysia as well as differences between the genders. It is also recommended that online marketers take into consideration the challenges that are perceived by online purchasers in order to cultivate a good impression on online shopping among the 


Concludes the review with a restatement of the overall opinion of the text. It can also include recommendations and some further explanation of the judgment to show that it is fair and reasonable.

In conclusion, all five of the articles are informative and beneficial for my upcoming research. Mobile Applications Applications and User User Experience of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old people) (Age 58–76) covered a variety of aspects, including contributions to literature regarding the drivers and barriers of Baby-Boomers' online shopping challenges at Mobile Applications and User Experience of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old people) (Age

Each article has enabled me to gain a better understanding of all the five articles that would benefit future researchers when deciding on the selection of possible drivers and/or barriers in the investigation of older adults' experiences during online shopping and the challenges they experienced. In addition, this review would contribute to the development of the literature on the online shopping behavior of older adults. This article's review is also anticipated to encourage further research into the online shopping experiences of older adults and the challenges they confront. Consequently, the reviews of this study might help me gain a deeper understanding of the aspects that contribute to the user experience of online shopping among Baby Boomers. This would be valuable for me in planning their next assignment, and I would develop a deeper understanding of the topic, title, and research problem.

The most prevalent issue with published research publications is the absence of citations. It's understandable because there has never been much research done on this topic, which is disappointing. I genuinely hope that additional research may be undertaken on this topic since it is evident that many Baby Boomers are still continuing to face difficulties, and I hope that it can be improved


Katawetawaraks, C. and Wang, C.L. (2011) Online Shopper Behavior Influences of Online Shopping Decision. Asian Journal of Business Research, 1, 66-74. - References - Scientific Research Publishing. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from

García-Peñalvo, F. J., Conde, M. Á., & Matellán-Olivera, V. (2014). Mobile Apps for Older Users – The Development of a Mobile Apps Repository for Older People. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 117–126.

Leung, R., Findlater, L., McGrenere, J., Graf, P., & Yang, J. (2010). Multi-Layered Interfaces to Improve Older Adults’ Initial Learnability of Mobile Applications. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 3(1), 1–30.


Pruchno, R. (2012). Not Your Mother’s Old Age: Baby Boomers at Age 65. The Gerontologist, 52(2), 149–152.

Leung, R., Tang, C., Haddad, S., Mcgrenere, J., Graf, P., & Ingriany, V. (2012). How Older Adults Learn to Use Mobile Devices. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 4(3), 1–33.

Q. Li and Y. Luximon (2019), “Older adults’ use of the mobile device: usability challenges while navigating various interfaces,” Be- haviour & Information Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1–25.

Gitlow, L. (2014). Technology Use by Older Adults and Barriers to Using Technology. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 32(3), 271–280.

Ghaffari, F., Navabi, N., & Gannat Alipoor, Z. (2016). Older adults’ attitudes and barriers toward the use of mobile phones. Clinical Interventions in Aging, Volume 11, 1371–1378.

Wildenbos, G. A., Peute, L., & Jaspers, M. (2018). Aging barriers influencing mobile health usability for older adults: A literature based framework (MOLD-US). International Journal of Medical Informatics, 114, 66–75.

Soh, P. Y., Heng, H. B., Selvachandran, G., Anh, L. Q., Chau, H. T. M., Son, L. H., Abdel-Baset, M., Manogaran, G., & Varatharajan, R. (2020). Perception, acceptance and willingness of older adults in Malaysia towards online shopping: a study using the UTAUT and IRT models. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.

Kiattiwittayasakul, S. (2018). A Study of Factors Influencing Elderly People to Purchase Products from Online Platforms. (Master Thesis). Thammasat University, Bangkok.

Gefen, D. (2003). TAM or just plain habit: A look at experienced online shoppers. Journal of End User Computing, 15 (3), 1–13.

PDF - Individual - Critical Review 20% Proposal

Primary Research 20%

RES60604 : 



Primary Research 20%

Full name: 

Er Xin Ru

Student's ID: 



Contact no: 



Bachelor of Design in Creative Media (UX/UI)

Qualitative Research

Proposal Overview

Research Topic : 

User Interface/ User Experience (UX/UI) of E-Commerce Mobile Application

Research Title : 

User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) of Mobile Application

Research Problem : 

Challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications 

Research Objectives:

To explore the Challenges faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping on User Experience (UX) towards Mobile Application

To explore the User Experience (UX) from Baby-Boomers (Elderly) Perspective on Mobile app

The Effect of User Experience and Design on Mobile Online Shopping Baby-Boomers (Elderly)

Research Question:

How does User Experience affect the experience of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping Mobile applications?

What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) and Design of Mobile Online Shopping app 

How mobile technologies make the Baby-Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology

Research Methodologies

Qualitative Methodology - Online Interview (Whatsapp and Google Form)

Quantitative Methodology - Questionnaire (Google Form)

Online Interview - Whatsapp

Definition: An online interview is a type of online research method that employs computer-mediated communication (CMC) such as instant messaging, email, or video. Online interviews necessitate different ethical issues, sampling, and rapport than face-to-face (F2F) interviews. Online interviews are divided into synchronous online interviews, which take place in real time,such as online chat, and asynchronous online interviews, which take place in non-real time, such as email. Some authors address online interviews in relation to online focus groups, while others consider online interviews to be distinct research approaches. Only online interviews will be discussed in this post.

What? This online based interview will consist of several questions that

will revolve 


1. To explore the Challenges faced by Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping on User Experience (UX) towards Mobile Application

2. To explore the User Experience (UX) from Baby Boomers (Elderly) Perspective on Mobile app

3. The Effect of User Experience and Design on Mobile Online Shopping Baby Boomers (Elderly)

Who? The target audience of this online based interview will be Baby-Boomers Age 58-75 (Elderly)

How? The interview will be conducted online contact through Google form to fill in with options

Where? There is no exact location of this interview as it is online based.

When? The interviews can be conducted anytime (Appointment with interviewee before interview)

Pros & Cons


  • Convenient for Both Parties

Interviewing online allows conveniently without the need for one or both parties to travel. It is a good way for people who work from their office, home, or other remote locations to effectively stay in touch with each other.

  • It’s Easier to Organize and More Effective

By using online interviews, able to schedule multiple interviews and easier to organise

  • It’s Easier to Schedule Than In-Person Interviews

When you plan an online interview, you can coordinate it according to your convenience and leave the comfort of your own homes to travel to and from the interview.


  • Prone to Manipulation

Interviewing online may feel more artificial and less authentic than a face-to-face interview. 

  • The Internet Isn’t Always Reliable

Sometimes you have extremely poor-quality connections, or your webcam stops working, and there is nothing you can do about it. 

  • Not Being Tech Savvy

Face-to-face communication is more reliable than online communication. When you conduct an online interview it will have to be flawless and error-free. 

Questionnaire - Google Form

Definition: A questionnaire is a set of questions or items intended to collect information about respondents' attitudes, experiences, or opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. 

What? This Questionnaire will consist of several questions that will revolve 


1. To explore the Challenges faced by Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping on User Experience (UX) towards Mobile Application

2. To explore the User Experience (UX) from Baby Boomers (Elderly) Perspective on Mobile app

3. The Effect of User Experience and Design on Mobile Online Shopping Baby Boomers (Elderly)

Who? The target audience of this online based interview will be Baby-Boomers Age 58-75 (Elderly)

How? The interview will be conducted online through reaching out to such locals 

Where? There is no exact location of this interview as it is online based.

When? The interviews can be conducted anytime (Send google form link to Baby-Boomers Aged around 58-76 or to their children to help them fill in)

Pros & Cons


  • Convenient for Both Parties

Interviewing online allows conveniently without the need for one or both parties to travel. It is a good way for people who work from their office, home, or other remote locations to effectively stay in touch with each other.

  • It’s Easier to Organize and More Effective

By using online interviews, able to schedule multiple interviews and easier to organize

  • It’s Easier to Schedule Than In-Person Interviews

When you plan an online interview, you can coordinate it according to your convenience and leave the comfort of your own homes to travel to and from the interview.


  • Prone to Manipulation

Interviewing online may feel more artificial and less authentic than a face-to-face interview. 

  • The Internet Isn’t Always Reliable

Sometimes you have extremely poor-quality connections, or your webcam stops working, and there is nothing you can do about it. 

  • Not Being Tech Savvy

Face-to-face communication is more reliable than online communication. When you conduct an online interview it will have to be flawless and error-free. 

Data Collection & Data Analysis

Questionnaire - Google Form

Data Collection & Data Analysis

Google form 

My name is Er Xin Ru and I'm a student studying at Taylors University. I am a UI/UX student under training for Design Research Methodology enrolled in the Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media (BDCM).

This Questionnaire is to research the User Experience (UX) of Challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) aged 50 - 80 during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications 

This questionnaire takes within 5 minutes to complete. The responses will only be used for academic purposes only. I appreciate your participation in this survey.

Research Methodology: Mixed (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Target : Baby-Boomers aged 58-76 

Data Collection Methods: Questionnaires surveys (Google Forms) & Online

Interview (Whatsapp+Google forms)

Questionnaires surveys (Google Forms)

Section 1 - Demographic

• 1. What is your name?

• 2. What is your gender?

• 3. What is your age group? 

Age between 50 - 55

Age between 60 - 70

Age between 60 - 70

Age between 60 - 70

Section 2 - User Experience of usage in Online Shopping Mobile Applications 

User Experience of usage in Online Shopping Mobile Applications 

4. Have you ever use online shopping mobile app before?

5.  If Yes, how frequently do you use online shopping in your daily life?

6. If No, Why?

7. How do you rate your activeness in using online shopping?

8. What challenges and difficulties did you face when using Online Shopping?

Section 3 - The effect of User experience Online Shopping in Mobile app 

9. What features do you like to see or experience if you are using online shopping apps?

10. Has Online Shopping made a huge difference in your daily life?

11. If Yes, why does online shopping make a huge difference to you?

12. If No, why does online shopping doesn't make a huge difference to you?

13. What is your rating using Online shopping in Mobile apps?

14. Do you think it will be challenging for you to use the app if you are not guided through it?

15. Do you think Online Shopping can really help Baby -Boomers if improvements on User Experience

Questionnaires surveys (Google Forms)

Section 1 - Demographic

1. What is your name?

Total of 97 Baby-boomers aged 58-76 participants fill in the Google form 

( I do think about some of the baby boomers was not expert using the mobile phone, I send it to their children to help them fill in/ third party who help their parents to fill in)

2. What is your gender?

Forms response chart. Question title: 2. What is your gender?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Total of 56.7% Female and 43.3% Male of baby boomers was fill in the Google form 

• 3. What is your age group? 

Forms response chart. Question title: 3. What is your age group?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Total of 

Age between 58 - 62 : 57.7%

Age between 62 - 67 : 19.6%

Age between 67 - 76 : 21.6%

Section 2 - User Experience of usage in Online Shopping Mobile Applications 

User Experience of usage in Online Shopping Mobile Applications 

4. Have you ever use online shopping mobile app before?

Forms response chart. Question title: 4. Have you ever use online shopping mobile app before?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Mostly 87.6% of the participants have use online shopping mobile app before & 12.4% doesn’t use online shopping mobile applications apps before 

5.  How frequently do you use online shopping in your daily life?

Forms response chart. Question title: How frequently do you use online shopping in your daily life?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Total of 52.6% use multiples times in a day, 30.9% depending on situation and 8.2% uses one a day 

6.How do you rate your activeness in using online shopping?

Forms response chart. Question title: 7. How do you rate your activeness in using online shopping?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Total of 85 Response of 87.6% rate the active & 12 response of 12.4% rate not really active 

9. What challenges and difficulties u faced when using Online Shopping?

Forms response chart. Question title: 8. What challenges and difficulties u faced when using Online Shopping?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

There are a total of 11 options to choose what challenges and difficulties that most of the baby-boomers faced during online shopping.

Total of 33 response of 34% choose Unprofessional, outdated design

Total of 45 response of 46.4% choose Poor On site search engine

Total of 75 response of 77.3% Bat user experience

Total of 53 response of 54.6% The lack of Personalization

Total of 45 response of 46.4% Missing or Unclear product into

Total of 66 response of 68% Lack of security and privacy leaks

Total of 38 response of 39.2% Not having flexible return policy

Total of 49 response of 50.5% Lack of Support and Live Chat.

Total of 43 response of 44.3% Bad / No persuasive sales copy

Total of 58 response of 59.8% Payment failures 

Section 3 - The effect of User experience Online Shopping in Mobile app 

10. What features do you like to see or experience if you are using online shopping apps?

Forms response chart. Question title: 9. What features do you like to see or experience if you are using online shopping apps?
. Number of responses: 97 responses.

There are total of 10 options to choose what features that baby-boomers would like see or experience when using shopping apps 

Total of 82 response of 84.5% choose Personalization

Total of 75 response of 77.3% choose Accessibility

Total of 65 response of 67% choose Consistent text, images, and vi.

Total of 62 response of 63.9% choose Minimalism and simplicity

Total of 60 response of 61.9% choose Format fonts, icons & interactive

Total of 70 response of 72.2% choose Increase the contrast between t..

Total of 55 response of 56.7% choose Push notifications

Total of 59 response of 60.8 % choose User feedback

Total of 66 response of 68% choose Updates

Total of 44 response of 45.4% choose  Avoid complex navigational elements

11. Has Online Shopping make a huge difference in your daily life?

Forms response chart. Question title: 10. Has Online Shopping make a huge difference in your daily life?. Number of responses: 96 responses.

Total of 66.7% choose YES that online shopping make a huge difference in their daily life & 9.4% choose NO 

12. Why does online shopping make a huge difference to you?

Forms response chart. Question title: Why does online shopping make a huge difference to you?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

There are 5 options of answer to choose why does online shopping make a huge difference for the baby-boomers

Total of 69 response of 71.1% Saves time and efforts

Total of 43 response of 44.3% Wide variety/range of products.

Total of 39 response of 40.2% Good discounts / lower price 

Total of 33 response of 34% compare various models/brand 

Total of 69 response of 71.1% convenience of shopping at home

Total of 4 response of 4.1% choose No

13. What is your rating using Online shopping in Mobile apps?

Forms response chart. Question title: 13. What is your rating using Online shopping in Mobile apps?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Total of 90 Response of 92.8% rate the active & 7 response of 7.2% rate not really active 

14. Do you think it will be challenging for you to use the app if you are not guided through it?

Forms response chart. Question title: 14. Do you think it will be challenging for you to use the app if you are not guided through it?
. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Total of 88.7% choose YES & 9.3% choose NO

15. Do you think Online Shopping can really help Baby -Boomers if improvements on User Experience

Forms response chart. Question title: 15. Do you think Online Shopping can really help Baby -Boomers if improvements on User Experience
. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Mostly total  89.7of % choose YES & 0% choose NO

Online Interview (Whatsapp + Google forms)

Interview - User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) of Mobile Application

1. Your Name

2. What is your Age?

3. What is your Occupation?

4. Do you use online shopping on your mobile app frequently? Can u explain your answer with Yes or No

5. When will you only use online shopping? Why?

6. Do you think online shopping is advantage or disadvantage for Baby-Boomers? 

7. Can you explain the disadvantaged for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

8. Can you explain the advantage for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

9. How do you think that User Experience affect the experience of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping Mobile applications?

10. Can you explain what challengers or difficulties you meet during your online shopping mobile app? 

11. Compare buying at online shopping, will you prefer more buying at Online shopping or physical store? Why?

12. What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping Mobile app 

13. How do you think mobile technologies make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology

Online Interview

Data Collection & Data Analysis

Firstly, I’ve created a WhatsApp invitation for the Online interviewee attached with the Google form link to fill in. This are the interview message I send to the interviewee to inform them and send them the Google form link.

Hi (_____) ,

Xin Ru here and I would like to invite you for an interview for Questionnaire questions. This research is to interview you about the User Experience (UX) of Challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) aged 58 - 76 during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications.

This interview will only takes within 5 minutes to complete. The interview responses will only used for academic purpose only. I appreciate your participation in this survey.

The interview will use WhatsApp for invitation and Google form to fill in the interview questionnaire questions

Here are the Google link:

My Interviewees were (X4 interviewee) 

  • Jessie Loh (Entrepreneur - Age 51)

  • Terrence Fong (Teacher - Age 63) 

  • Nancy Loh, (Housewife - Age 66)

  • Wesley Er (Retirees - Age 72)

There are total of 4 interviewees which I collect to perform a different of Age which is (51-72), Different Occupation and also gender to combine with different opinions and perspectives towards User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) of Mobile Application

1. Interviewee -  Jessie Loh ( Entrepreneur - Age 51)

1. Your Name : Jessie Loh  

2. What is your Age: 51

3. What is your Occupation: Entrepreneur

4. Do you use online shopping on your mobile app frequently? Answer with Yes or No

Yes but depending of my free time

5. When will you only use online shopping? Why?

I will use Online Shopping only when I need to buy my daily items such as groceries, food delivery and others.

6. Do you think online shopping is an advantage or disadvantage for you? 

I think between advantages and disadvantages, the advantages are more. Since I'm always busy with my work, Online Shopping is very convenient as I don't need to purposely go to the market or shopping mall to buy my daily needs. There are disadvantages as the security of online shopping is dangerous too as there are alot of scams and payment was unable to claim back from my previous experience

7. Can you explain the disadvantages for you using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

The disadvantage is the lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online shopping. I did experience before as the picture shown and what I receive is different. The lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of the product on offer. I don't recommend online shopping for items like clothes and expensive items as I will get rid of the risks.

8. Can you explain the advantage for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

The advantage will be Online shopping saves time. I do not have to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the products that have been purchased by them. I can straight away look for the products that are required by entering the key words or type in the search box.

9. Can you explain what challenges or difficulties you meet during your online shopping mobile app? 

Some of the applications is too messy as I can’t focus on the apps long time, the info and picture is too pack 

10. Compared to buying at online shopping, would you prefer buying at Online shopping or physical store? Why?

I prefer buying items like Health and beauty/ Food and drinks. Online shopping for physical stores is clothing, home appliances and electronic items as i doesn't want to take risk on the checking if the items is not fuction or the sizes or cutting is not correct as i have no passion and time to settle.

11. What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping Mobile app 

I think it could start to adapt devices to meet physical needs. Many of us have challenges beyond simply learning how to use technology. Small touch screens may be challenging for anyone with arthritis. Those with vision problems may not be able to read the words on a screen.

Many websites today are designed to be ADA-accessible, which means people can use a text reader app to hear the words written on the screen. Baby-boomers can also set the mobile device or computer resolution to make the words larger.

12. How do you think mobile technologies make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, engaging, and motivating them towards technology

Provide Tutorials on how to use the application, or give extra offers to motivate us by learning how to use the app, for example the app can have mini games or mini quests to complete, once it is completed, the user can claim the discounts vouchers


2. Interviewee -  Terrence Fong ( Teacher - Age 63) 

1. Your Name : Terrence Fong

2. What is your Age: 63

3. What is your Occupation: Teacher

4. Do you use online shopping on your mobile app frequently? Answer with Yes or No

Sometimes, not frequently 

5. When will you only use online shopping? Why?

When I wanted to purchase house appliances, online shopping always have promotion 

6. Do you think online shopping is an advantage or disadvantage for you? 

It is both ways, and it could be an advantage and also a disadvantage. 

7. Can you explain the disadvantages for you using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

Advantage-wise, I can browse the product info and make purchases whenever I need.

8. Can you explain the advantage for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

However, I think it’s a disadvantage because I cannot feel and touch the product. End up, I bought the wrong thing most of the time.

9. Can you explain what challenges or difficulties you meet during your online shopping mobile app? 

The application needs to be more organized, and there are too many irrelevant product pop-ups when browsing my things. And also, when I want to see the product review, it’s a bit hard to find.

10. Compared to buying at online shopping, would you prefer buying at Online shopping or physical store? Why?

Of Course it is physical, I will only use online to compare the specification but when it comes to decision making I will prefer to go physical.

11. What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping Mobile app 

Simplify the User Experience of the app, make it more straight forward.

12. How do you think mobile technologies make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology

Bigger Icons, bigger fonts, easy payment, and Ai-guidance.


3. Nancy Loh, (Housewife - Age 66)

1. Your Name : Nancy Loh 

2. What is your Age: 66

3. What is your Occupation: Housewife

4. Do you use online shopping on your mobile app frequently? Answer with Yes or No

Yes, but only to explore the items I wanted to buy. I will ask my children to help me purchase as I’m concerned about the security of payment checkout 

5. When will you only use online shopping? Why?

To buy clothing, house and kitchen appliances. I will buy when it have promotion such as 11.11

6. Do you think online shopping is an advantage or disadvantage for you? 

I think it is a disadvantage to me.

7. Can you explain the disadvantages for you using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

I think if we use too many online tools, the chance of getting scammed will increase.

8. Can you explain the advantage for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

Maybe it is a convenience, no need to walk that much since we will have walking difficulties.

9. Can you explain what challenges or difficulties you meet during your online shopping mobile app? 

I always don't know how to buy things online. I always ask my son to help me on that, too complicated for me.

10. Compared to buying at online shopping, would you prefer buying at Online shopping or physical store? Why?

Physical store of course, because I can think wisely, and feel the product. Online stores are dangerous.

11. What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping Mobile app 

Can have lesser functions, no need to have lots of unnecessary functions at the front page, be straightforward.

12. How do you think mobile technologies make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology

Languages, guidance step by step from a to z, slowly we will adapt.


Interviewee -  Wesley Er (Retirees - Age 72)

1. Your Name : Wesley Er

2. What is your Age: 72

3. What is your Occupation: Retirees

4. Do you use online shopping on your mobile app frequently? Answer with Yes or No

Yes, I prefer buying in online stores. 

5. When will you only use online shopping? Why?

When the items is too expensive in physical store, I will search and explore using online shopping

6. Do you think online shopping is an advantage or disadvantage for you? 

It’s an advantage for me.

7. Can you explain the disadvantages for you using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

No guarantee to me, when I bought a defect item from them, it’s so inconvenient for me to send it back to the courier myself and took a very long time to claim my warranty.

8. Can you explain the advantage for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

We can rest more at home and reduce walking.

9. Can you explain what challenges or difficulties you meet during your online shopping mobile app? 

Language is part of the difficulty, other than that is the functions, for us it is too advanced and we don't know how to use those functions.

10. Compared to buying at online shopping, would you prefer buying at Online shopping or physical store? Why?

I will try to buy online more, it has more options for me to compare. But the thing is i cant feel and touch before purchase.

11. What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping Mobile app 

Lager Icon and lesser buttons, some are too extra and make it more complicated.

12. How do you think mobile technologies make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology

Guidance is very important for us. We are too new to use mobile or any other gadgets. When we learn how to use it, we can stay connected with our long-distance children and have facetime. It’s something we need to adapt to.

PDF - Primary Research 20% Proposal

PDF - Primary Research 20% Slides

Research Reflection Report 40%

RES60604 : 



Research Reflection Report 40%

Full name: 

Er Xin Ru

Student's ID: 



Contact no: 



Bachelor of Design in Creative Media (UX/UI)

Design Research Methodology RES60604

Task 4 - Research Reflection Report

Er Xin Ru (0354939)

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Research Proposal

Research Proposal Overview - Covering the research topic/ area and title

  • 2.1 Research Title

  • 2.2 Research Topic/Area

  • 2.3 Research Rationale

  • 2.4 Research Problem

  • 2.5 Problem Statement

  • 2.6 Research objectives

  • 2.7 Research questions

  • 2.8 Summary Research Reflection

3.0 Critical Review 

Reflection on Critical Review

  • 3.1 - Fig 3.1 Article 1

  • 3.2 - Fig 3.2 Article 2

  • 3.3 - Fig 3.3 Article 3

  • 3.4 - Fig 3.4 Article 4

  • 3.5 - Fig 3.5 Article 5

  • 3.6 Critical Review Reflection

4.0 Research Design - Questionnaire & interview

  • 4.1 Quantitative (Questionnaire - Google Form)

  • 4.2 Questionnaire survey in google forms

  • 4.3 Results of Questionnaire Survey (Data Collection and Analysis)

  • 4.4 Qualitative ( Interview - Whatsapp and Google Form)

  • Fig 4.5 Interview survey in google forms

  • Fig 4.6 Questionnaire response by interviewee

  • 4.4 Summary Research Reflection

  • 4.7 Data Collection Conclusion

5.0 Primary Research Reflection

6.0 Research Conclusion - Overall Research Reflection

7.0 Reference list (APA version 7)

1.0 Introduction

Design Research Methodology is a module that requires students with fundamental design-related research methodologies. This module contains four tasks: the proposal, the critical review, the primary data, and the research reflection report. In the first job, students are required to develop a solid proposal that includes a research topic, problem statement, research questions, and research objectives. Students will next conduct a critical literature evaluation followed by the selection and justification of research methods and data analysis. Students are invited to reflect on the strengths and shortcomings of their research report as well as the difficulties posed by the hurdles encountered during the process. 

Students must attend weekly classes and show their progress on the current assignment in a small tutoring group. separated by their own specialization and grouped together. According to the needs of each learner, the module lecturer has provided comments and direction. At the beginning of the semester, a template for a weekly reflection report is provided to ensure that students maintain track of their progress by reflecting on what they've learned and the problems they've experienced each week. 

Xin Ru, the researcher with little experience writing research papers, has a negative view of the module since she has always heard that it is challenging because it is an independent study that demands in-depth analysis and interpretation supported by solid data. However, the researcher believed in herself in order to accomplish this module and have a positive mental preparation for first class. After learning that this module will serve as a continuation of the Design Research Methodology course for the semester, the researcher decided to 

2.0 Assignment 1 - Research Proposal

Full Version of Research Proposal: 




The first task is to choose a research topic based on one's specialization of the Design Creative Media. The researcher has shown her hesitation in deciding the specializations in User Experience/ User Interface (UX/UI) of E-Commerce Mobile application because she has interest in this field. After much consideration and thoughts, she decided to go for Title of User Experience (UX) on Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (58-76) in Mobile App . To pick on the research topic, the researcher realized it was not easy to find a problem related to the topic because she had limited understanding of it.

Fig 2.1 Research Topic

Fig 1.1 Research Topic

Fig 2.2 Research Title

Fig 1.2 Research Title

She started to read some online articles, news and e-newspaper to look for inspirations. She discovered that this topic is really interesting and decided to go for it. The topic is being accepted by Dr.Hayati as it was connected to creative media and it is interesting as most Baby-Boomers are facing difficulties and ignored by society. The reason she chose this topic is because of her interest to study about how to solve their problem and to understand User Experience while using Online Shopping among  Baby-Boomers in Mobile apps.

Fig 2.3 Research Problem

Fig 2.3 Research Problem

After the research topic and research title is confirmed, the researcher starts to develop the research problem statement. The problem statement was one of the biggest hassles to write since it was difficult. The researcher starts to study and finds a lot of articles that are related to the topic. It took days of researching through multiple articles to find the appropriate ones to refer from. In the problem statement,She read more articles to aid her understanding and support her arguments when constructing the problem statement. She particularly focused on the challengers and difficulties faced by baby-boomers (Elderly) during their Online Shopping in Mobile app.

Fig 2.4 Rationale

Fig 2.4 Rationale

Numerous articles were studied by the researcher on User Experience among Baby Boomers in Online Shopping in terms of the problems and challenges they face. Through reading and analysing the articles, the researcher was able to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that users of Online Shopping confront in this new technological era. It was difficult for Baby-Boomers to adjust, as the design and evaluation of mobile interfaces are becoming increasingly complex. In addition, it was determined that for usability goals to be met, mobile devices must be properly designed and utilised by older persons. For each of these concepts, the User experience of Mobile design interfaces is of utmost importance.

Fig 2.5 Problem Statement

Fig 2.5 Rationale

Since it was difficult to discover relevant publications, writing the problem statement was one of the most difficult tasks. It took several days of sifting through numerous articles to find the suitable ones to cite. In the problem statement, it is stated that Mobile interface and design for older adults is important because the mobile interface is a significant concern for the elderly, due to the fact that sudden and frequent changes in mobile interface and app design are causing them problems. It is difficult for them to comprehend interface changes. Adoption challenges for user interface features for The inability of the elderly with health issues to use electronic devices. User Experience in the User interface based on large text and visuals caused vision problems for those with a poor level of technological ability. Typically, elders and UI adhere to the additional bars, icons, and buttons, eschewing Metro-style rules. Moreover, auto zoom users are aware of challenges with UI adaptation. Conclusion: the use of mobile devices among Baby Boomers has increased in recent years. The mobile interface is problematic for senior citizens since it is difficult for them to comprehend the numerous changes in mobile interface design and applications.

Fig 2.6 Research Objectives

Fig 2.5 Research Objectives

Fig 2.7 Research Questions

Fig 2.6 Research Questions

Coming up with the research objectives and research questions are not as hard as

doing the problem statement but there were still obstacles this researcher faced. It was

difficult trying to interpret the Research Objective of this topic and also the Research Questions that let the researcher to explore and understand what is the purpose of this research. Dr.Hayati did help the researcher in finalizing the exploration.

2.8 Summary Research Reflection 

Since the beginning of this course, this researcher has had a strong interest in the User Experience of Online Shopping in mobile apps, but analyzing the topic still requires a significant amount of effort. This researcher struggles the most when reading papers since he or she frequently loses concentration, making it difficult to retain the material. Writing is also not this researcher's strong suit, so this was another battle they had to endure. This makes coming up with a topic somewhat challenging. The researcher was unsure of what would be correct and what would be incorrect. 

After reviewing additional articles suggested by Dr. Hayati, this researcher decided to revise the title of this study to focus more specifically on User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) in mobile apps. 

Writing the problem statement was difficult, and the researcher was quite confused about what was required. This researcher had to browse through and read a great deal of additional materials that were provided in Microsoft Teams in order to comprehend what this researcher was actually performing, just in case this researcher got off track. Creating the study objectives and research statements was not as time-consuming as writing the problem statement, but it did require some time to clarify them. 

Working alone on a study project was not an easy task, especially when it came to generating ideas. Having information scattered everywhere and ensuring that everything was linked was difficult. In the end however, having a solid and comprehensive study proposal is important for the whole research.

3.0 Assignment 2 - Critical Review

Reflection on Critical Review

Full Version of Critical Review: 


5 Articles:

Article 1

How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives? 2020

Article 2

Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage 2021

Article 3

Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults 2019

Article 4

The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults 2022

Article 5

Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers)

Critical Review #1 - How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives? 2020

Fig 3.1 Article 1

Fig 3.1 Article 1

This research article the first article “How does Technological Dependence Affect Consumer Shopping Behavior among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Digital Natives?” was written by Muhammad Syah Fibrika Ramadhan, Nisrina Anggi Syahputri in year 2020. This research aims to find out the difference among baby boomers, millennials, and digital natives in their dependence on technology and how it affects their shopping behavior including the shopping objective, shopping frequency, deciding online or offline, shopping hour as well as brand choice. Which also identified that younger generations will feel that it is an easy task to learn how to use the technology for online shopping, but they assume it’s not the case for older generations like baby boomers as they might have a harder time learning how to use the technology.

This research paper clearly stated its findings and details about the topic and its main purpose. Even though there is the explanations are clear enough to understand the

overall thoughts of the researchers. The citations and references are also all present

throughout the research article.

Critical Review #2 - Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage

Fig 3.2 Article 2

Fig 3.2 Article 2

The second article “Usability Barriers for Elderly Users in Mobile App Usage

” was written by Mujtaba Awan , Sikandar Ali , Mushtaq Ali, Muhammad Faisal Abrar ,

Hamid Ullah, and Dawar Khan in 2021. This research studies with the latest

technology, smartphones can have a big impact on users of all ages, but older people

I always have trouble getting used to new technology. When older people are the target

audience for a smartphone app, it's important that it's easy to use, since the designer

didn't meet the specific requirements. Because of how important smartphone apps are

and how hard it is for older people to use smartphones, we made a list of problems that

could make it hard for older people to use smartphone apps. The main goal of this study

was to find out what makes smartphones hard to use, especially for older people. The

study's results will help deal with problems that affect older people and will help

designers make smartphone apps that fit those needs.

Critical Review #3 - Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults

Fig 3.3 Article 3

Fig 2.3 Article 3

The third article “Impacts of Mobile UX Design on Older Adults?” was written by Toseef

Aslam and Maria Latif in 2019. This study aims to demonstrate how mobile technology

is becoming an increasingly important aspect of daily living. The utility and usability of a

technology or programmes affect user experience. When evaluating the functioning of a

mobile service offered by a mobile application, these two ideas are measured with a

high degree of quality. Leading technologies simplify interactions and improve user

satisfaction. Mobile technologies must be intuitive to older individuals, meaningful to

them, engaging, and inspiring them to use technology. Mobile technologies need to be

properly designed and effectively used by older persons to meet usability goals.

Critical Review #4 - The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults

Fig 3.4 Article 4

Fig 3.4 Article 4

The fourth article research “The drivers and barriers of online shopping behaviors for older adults” was written by Khairull Anuar Ismail and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid in 2022. This

study aims to show that with the latest technology, smartphones can have a big impact

on users of all ages, but older people always have trouble getting used to new

technology. When older people are the target audience for a smartphone app, it's

important that it's easy to use, since the designer didn't meet the specific requirements.

Considering how important smartphone apps are and how hard it is for older people to

use smartphones, there is a list of problems that could make it hard for older people to

use smartphone apps. The main goal of this study was to find out what makes

smartphones are hard to use, especially for older people. The study's results will help deal with problems that affect older people and will help designers make smartphone apps that fit those needs.

Critical Review #5 - Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers) 

Fig 3.5 Article 5

Fig 2.5 Article 5

The fifth article “Perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from “baby

boomers”, generation “X” and generation “Y” point of views (focus on baby boomers) was written by Saroja Dhanapal, Deeparechigi Vashu and Thanam Subramaniam

in 2015. This study aims the internet has had a revolutionary effect on communications

and transactions in daily life. It is the most rapidly rising shopping method. The purpose

of Internet shopping is also to acquire goods and services. This study's objective is to

enlighten on concerns associated with online shopping of "Baby Boomers," "Generation

X," and "Generation Y" members of the general public to determine their impressions of

internet shopping and the obstacles they experience when shopping online.


3.6 Critical Review Reflection

As previously said in the proposal reflection, writing and reading are not the researcher's strong points; hence, the stress was excruciating when composing the critical review. This researcher had difficulty comprehending the proper structure of the critical review and had to change back and writing the critical review by reviewing the lecture and class notes in order to have a clear understanding of the structure and explanation of how to write a critical review. 

The critical reviews required numerous changes, and the article itself has been altered multiple times. It was terrible, both in terms of timing and process, that sleep had to be sacrificed. Every night, this researcher has trouble sleeping about not writing well for the critical review. 

Even though it was a difficult procedure, the researcher wants to be able to analyse articles more critically and become more skilled in the future.

Research Reflection Report 40%

RES60604 : 



Research Reflection Report 40%

Full name: 

Er Xin Ru

Student's ID: 



Contact no: 



Bachelor of Design in Creative Media (UX/UI)

4.0 Assignment 3 - Primary Data Research Methods

Full Version of Primary Research: 




Research Methodologies

Qualitative Methodology - Online Interview (Whatsapp and Google Form)

Quantitative Methodology - Questionnaire (Google Form)

The chosen research method is a questionnaire survey since it allows for greater participation and yields more diverse responses and perspectives. Based on the questions asked, a questionnaire survey also includes qualitative and quantitative data. As the focus of this study is about what challenges or difficulties or any perspective that Baby-boomers meet in using Online Shopping  in Mobile applications, this researcher will have a greater opportunity of recruiting participants using social media platforms. 

As the focus of this study is about what challenges or difficulties or any perspective that Baby-boomers meet in using Online Shopping  in Mobile applications, this researcher will have a greater opportunity of recruiting participants using social media platforms.  

4.1 Quantitative

Why, What, Who, Where, and How

Fig 4.1 Why, What, Who, Where, and How

The why, what, who, where, and how were written for the instrument chosen. This part

was not tough to write as this researcher already had a plan from the beginning of what

instrument to use for the primary research. From this researcher’s past research papers

they had the experience of using Google Forms before so there was no hesitation in

picking it as the platform to make the questionnaire. Google Forms is an easy site that

provides all the tools to make making forms easier. The part this researcher doubted the

most was where the questionnaire was sent to, initially this researcher planned to share it through groups at social media at Whatsapp, Facebook and Ins Story.

 Pros and Cons

Fig 4.2 Pros and Cons

This researcher also came up with the pros and cons of the questionnaire survey. There was a lot of struggle and hard work to get each of the respondents to answer the questionnaire. It was true that a wide range of opinions was gathered from the people. Other than that, the cons were right where some people don't take the questionnaire seriously where some respondents leave answers such as “I do not know”, “No”, “Yes” or just leave a dash or a period there. Yet, the researcher expected to receive the numbers of responses as it was sent more than 100 of the Questionnaire, but it was disappointing that the researcher did not receive as much as it sent and the response is very slow. The researcher is getting disappointed as it has no choice but to submit late.  

Fig 4.2 Questionnaire survey in google forms


Coming up with questions for the questionnaire survey was just a constant loop of

having to reword the questions properly and thinking if the questions are related to the

research. Pasting the questions into google forms was easy but this researcher kept

forgetting to number her questions. Thanks to Dr. Hayati this researcher was able to

remember about it and make it through this process with ease.

Questionnaire Distribution on Social Media Platforms

  1. Questionnaire Distribution on Instagram

  2. Questionnaire Distribution on Facebook

  3. Questionnaire Distribution on Whatsapp

Distributing the questionnaire survey links on social media platforms was way more

stressful than this researcher had thought. The targeted amount of respondents needed

was incredibly hard to achieve as most of the time people choose to ignore the things

one posts on social media platforms. Finding somewhere with anime enthusiasts and

cosplayers to fill up the questionnaire was close to impossible for this researcher to find.

As platforms with those people normally have restrictions on sending links to prevent

spam and also do not allow culture-related topics as it might cause some

misinterpretations towards some members in the group. It was understandable why they

did that, but this researcher did not give up on that and still constantly sends out the

questionnaire survey links to potential groups with anime lovers. The risk of getting the

post deleted is definitely there but it was worth the try.

4.3 Results of Questionnaire Survey (Data Collection and Analysis)

Total: 97 Respondents

Total of 97 Baby-boomers aged 58-76 participants fill in the Google form 

( I do think about some of the baby boomers was not expert using the mobile phone, I send it to their children to help them fill in/ third party who help their parents to fill in)

Section 1 (Demographic Questions)

Section 1 Question of 3

2. What is your gender?

Forms response chart. Question title: 2. What is your gender?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows total of 56.7% Female and 43.3% Male of baby boomers was fill in the Google form 

3. What is your age group? 

Forms response chart. Question title: 3. What is your age group?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows total of 

Age between 58 - 62 : 57.7%

Age between 62 - 67 : 19.6%

Age between 67 - 76 : 21.6%

The total of respondents gathered in the questionnaire survey is 97. The first section of

questions given are general questions to know what the majority of the respondents are.

Where quantitative data was collected the majority of the respondents are Baby-Boomers aged around 58-76. Questionnaire will consist of several questions that will revolve To explore the Challenges faced by Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping on User Experience (UX) towards Mobile Application, explore the User Experience (UX) from Baby Boomers (Elderly) Perspective on Mobile app and Effect of User Experience and Design on Mobile Online Shopping Baby Boomers (Elderly)

Due to the fact they will provide inaccurate results as the respondents have different answers to it.

Section 2 - User Experience of usage in Online Shopping Mobile Applications 

User Experience of usage in Online Shopping Mobile Applications 

Section 2 Question of 4

Total: 97 Participants

Total of 97 Baby-boomers aged 58-76 participants fill in the Google form 

( I do think about some of the baby boomers was not expert using the mobile phone, I send it to their children to help them fill in/ third party who help their parents to fill in)

4. Have you ever use online shopping mobile app before?

Forms response chart. Question title: 4. Have you ever use online shopping mobile app before?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows mostly 87.6% of the participants have use online shopping mobile app before & 12.4% doesn’t use online shopping mobile applications apps before 

5.  How frequently do you use online shopping in your daily life?

Forms response chart. Question title: How frequently do you use online shopping in your daily life?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows total of 52.6% use multiples times in a day, 30.9% depending on situation and 8.2% uses one a day 

6.How do you rate your activeness in using online shopping?

Forms response chart. Question title: 7. How do you rate your activeness in using online shopping?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows total of 85 Response of 87.6% rate the active & 12 response of 12.4% rate not really active 

9. What challenges and difficulties u faced when using Online Shopping?

Forms response chart. Question title: 8. What challenges and difficulties u faced when using Online Shopping?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows there are a total of 11 options to choose what challenges and difficulties that most of the baby-boomers faced during online shopping.

Total of 33 response of 34% choose Unprofessional, outdated design

Total of 45 response of 46.4% choose Poor On site search engine

Total of 75 response of 77.3% Bat user experience

Total of 53 response of 54.6% The lack of Personalization

Total of 45 response of 46.4% Missing or Unclear product into

Total of 66 response of 68% Lack of security and privacy leaks

Total of 38 response of 39.2% Not having flexible return policy

Total of 49 response of 50.5% Lack of Support and Live Chat.

Total of 43 response of 44.3% Bad / No persuasive sales copy

Total of 58 response of 59.8% Payment failures 

Section 3 - The effect of User experience Online Shopping in Mobile app 

Section 3 Question of 6

Total: 97 Participants

Total of 97 Baby-boomers aged 58-76 participants fill in the Google form 

( I do think about some of the baby boomers was not expert using the mobile phone, I send it to their children to help them fill in/ third party who help their parents to fill in)

10. What features do you like to see or experience if you are using online shopping apps?

Forms response chart. Question title: 9. What features do you like to see or experience if you are using online shopping apps?
. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows there are total of 10 options to choose what features that baby-boomers would like see or experience when using shopping apps 

Total of 82 response of 84.5% choose Personalization

Total of 75 response of 77.3% choose Accessibility

Total of 65 response of 67% choose Consistent text, images, and vi.

Total of 62 response of 63.9% choose Minimalism and simplicity

Total of 60 response of 61.9% choose Format fonts, icons & interactive

Total of 70 response of 72.2% choose Increase the contrast between t..

Total of 55 response of 56.7% choose Push notifications

Total of 59 response of 60.8 % choose User feedback

Total of 66 response of 68% choose Updates

Total of 44 response of 45.4% choose  Avoid complex navigational elements

11. Has Online Shopping make a huge difference in your daily life?

Forms response chart. Question title: 10. Has Online Shopping make a huge difference in your daily life?. Number of responses: 96 responses.

Data collected shows total of 66.7% choose YES that online shopping make a huge difference in their daily life & 9.4% choose NO 

12. Why does online shopping make a huge difference to you?

Forms response chart. Question title: Why does online shopping make a huge difference to you?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows there are 5 options of answer to choose why does online shopping make a huge difference for the baby-boomers

Total of 69 response of 71.1% Saves time and efforts

Total of 43 response of 44.3% Wide variety/range of products.

Total of 39 response of 40.2% Good discounts / lower price 

Total of 33 response of 34% compare various models/brand 

Total of 69 response of 71.1% convenience of shopping at home

Total of 4 response of 4.1% choose No

13. What is your rating using Online shopping in Mobile apps?

Forms response chart. Question title: 13. What is your rating using Online shopping in Mobile apps?. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows total of 90 Response of 92.8% rate the active & 7 response of 7.2% rate not really active 

14. Do you think it will be challenging for you to use the app if you are not guided through it?

Forms response chart. Question title: 14. Do you think it will be challenging for you to use the app if you are not guided through it?
. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows total of 88.7% choose YES & 9.3% choose NO

15. Do you think Online Shopping can really help Baby -Boomers if improvements on User Experience

Forms response chart. Question title: 15. Do you think Online Shopping can really help Baby -Boomers if improvements on User Experience
. Number of responses: 97 responses.

Data collected shows that mostly total  89.7of % choose YES & 0% choose NO

4.4 Qualitative ( Interview - Whatsapp and Google Form)

Why, What, Who, Where, and How

Fig 4.8 Why, What, Who, Where, and How

The why, what, who, where, and how were written for the instrument chosen. This part

was not tough to write as this researcher already had a plan from the beginning of what

instrument to use for the primary research. From this researcher’s past research papers

they had the experience of using Whatsapp and Google Forms. Google Forms and Whatsapp is an easy site that provides all the tools to make forms and to send an invitation to the interviewee easier. The question was created only for the interviewee as the researcher would like to know for the results of response by all different interviewee answer

Pros and Cons

Fig 4.9 Pros and Cons

This researcher also came up with the pros and cons of the Interview questions. There was a lot of struggle and hard work to find an interview in the limitation of age 58 -76 of the respondents to answer the interview questions. Before that, the researcher did create a WhatsApp invitation for the Online interviewee attached with the Google form link to fill in. This is the interview message that the researcher sends to the interviewee to inform them and send them the Google form link.

Hi (_____) ,

Xin Ru here and I would like to invite you for an interview for Questionnaire questions. This research is to interview you about the User Experience (UX) of Challengers and difficulties faced by Baby-Boomers (Elderly/Old People) aged 58 - 76 during their Online Shopping on Mobile applications.

This interview will only take 5 minutes to complete. The interview responses will only be used for academic purposes only. I appreciate your participation in this survey.

The interview will use WhatsApp for invitation and Google form to fill in the interview questionnaire questions

After the researcher sends a few of the invitations of the interviewee, there are few of them replied. But the researcher chose only 4 interviewees.

Whatsapp Invitation - Interviewee

Fig 4.10 Whatsapp Invitation - Interviewee

The Interviewee are

  • Jessie Loh (Entrepreneur - Age 51)

  • Terrence Fong (Teacher - Age 63) 

  • Nancy Loh, (Housewife - Age 66)

  • Wesley Er (Retirees - Age 72)

There are total of 4 interviewees which the researcher collect to perform a different of Age which is (51-72), Different Occupation and also gender to combine with different opinions and perspectives towards User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping among Baby-Boomers (Age 58-76) of Mobile Application

Fig 4.5 Interview survey in google forms


Questions for the interview Google form was just a constant loop of having to reword the questions properly and thinking if the questions are related to the research questions. The researcher met hard times on thinking and changing the questions as it was not good enough as a question, but thanks to Dr.Hayati for giving the research a few examples and ideas of it. After the researcher receives the response by the interviewee, compound all the answers together yet to study and understand the perspective of the interviewer who fills in the answer.

Fig 4.6 Questionnaire response by interviewee

Question 4

4. Do you use online shopping on your mobile app frequently? Can u explain your answer with Yes

  • Yes but depending of my free time

  • Sometimes, not frequently

  • Yes, but only to explore the items I wanted to buy. I will ask my children to help me purchase as I'm concerned about the security of payment checkout

  • Yes, I prefer buying in online stores.

The answer is Yes but there are also answers depending on their free time or not frequently. The answer is expected from the researcher as in this technology world, the baby-boomers are adapting and to improve.

Question 5

5. When will you only use online shopping? Why?

  • I will use Online Shopping only when I need to buy my daily items such as groceries food delivery and other

  • When I wanted to purchase house appliances, online shopping always have promotion

  • To buy clothing, house and kitchen appliances. I will buy when it have promotion such as 11.11

  • When the items is too expensive in physical store, I will search and explore using online shopping

To conclude the answer, most of the interviewees will exclusively shop online for groceries, meal delivery, and other necessities for their needs. They will also shop online constantly including promotions for home appliances or buy during 11.11 promotions when products are too pricey in stores.

Question 6

6. Do you think online shopping is an advantage or disadvantage for Baby-Boomers?

  • I think between advantages and disadvantages, the advantages are more. Since I'm always busy with my work, Online Shopping is very convenient as I don't need to purposely go to the market or shopping mall to buy my daily needs. 

  • There are disadvantages as the security of online shopping is dangerous too as there are a lot of scams and payment was unable to claim back from my previous experience.

  • It is both ways, and it could be an advantage and also a disadvantage.

  • I think it is a disadvantage to me.

To conclude the answer, Online shopping can be both an advantage and a disadvantage as what interviewees said. The researcher can see advantages are more obvious as online shopping is advantageous as they don't need to purposely go to the market or shopping mall to buy my daily needs. There are disadvantages too as there are a lot of scams and payment was unable to claim back from their previous experience.

Question 7

7. Can you explain the disadvantages for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

  • The disadvantage is the lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online shopping. I did experience before as the picture shown and what I receive is different. The lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of the product on offer. I don't recommend online shopping for items like clothes and expensive items as I will get rid of the risks.

  • Advantage-wise, I can browse the product info and make purchases whenever I need.

  • I think if we use too many online tools, the chance of getting scammed will increase.

  • No guarantee to me, when I bought a defect item from them, it's so inconvenient for me to send it back to the courier myself and took a very long time to claim my warranty.

To conclude the answer, Advantage-wise the interviewees can browse the product info and make purchases whenever they need. The disadvantage is the lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online shopping. Lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of the product on offer so that it don't recommend online shopping for items like clothes and expensive items.

Question 8

8. Can you explain the advantage for Baby-Boomers using Online Shopping on Mobile apps?

  • The advantage will be Online shopping saves time. I do not have to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the products that have been purchased by them. I can straight away look for the products that are required by entering the key words or type in the search box.

  • We can rest more at home and reduce walking.

  • Maybe it is a convenience, no need to walk that much since we will have walking difficulties.

  • However, I think it's a disadvantage because I cannot feel and touch the product. End up, I bought the wrong thing most of the time.

To conclude the answer, the advantages will be that they do not have to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the products that have been purchased by them. However, it's also a disadvantage because they cannot feel and touch the product most of the time.

Question 9

9. Can you explain what challenges or difficulties you meet during your online shopping mobile

  • Some of the applications is too messy as I can't focus on the apps long time, the info and picture is too pack

  • Language is part of the difficulty, other than that is the functions, for us it is too advanced and we don't know how to use those functions.

  • I always don't know how to buy things online. I always ask my son to help me on that, too complicated for me.

  • The application needs to be more organized, and there are too many irrelevant product pop-ups when browsing my things. And also, when I want to see the product review, it's a bit hard to find.

To conclude the answer, the interviewees think that some of the applications are too messy as they can't focus on the apps for a long time, the info and picture is too packed. There are too many irrelevant product pop-ups when browsing my things. And also, when they want to see the product review, it's a bit hard to find.

Question 10

10. Compare buying at online shopping, will you prefer more buying at Online shopping or physical

  • I prefer buying items like Health and beauty/ Food and drinks. Online shopping for physical stores is clothing, home appliances and electronic items as I don't want to take risk on checking if the items are not functioning or the sizes or cutting is not correct as I have no passion and time to settle.

  • I will try to buy online more, it has more options for me to compare. But the thing is i cant feel and touch before purchase.

  • Physical store of course, because I can think wisely, and feel the product. Online stores are dangerous.

  • Of Course it is physical, I will only use online to compare the specification but when it comes to decision making I will prefer to go physical.

To conclude the answer, the interviewee prefers buying items like Health and beauty/ Food and drinks. Online shopping for physical stores is clothing, home appliances. But not expensive items as they don't want to take the risk of checking if the items are not functioning or the sizes or cutting is not correct as I have no passion and time to settle.

Question 11

11. What would be the solution to improving confidence of Baby-Boomers (Elderly) on satisfaction through User Experience (UX) of Online Shopping Mobile app

  • I think it could start to adapt devices to meet physical needs. Many of us have challenges beyond simply learning how to use technology. Small touch screens may be challenging for anyone with arthritis. Those with vision problems may not be able to read the words on a screen.

Many websites today are designed to be ADA-accessible, which means people can use a text reader app to hear the words written on the screen. Baby-boomers can also set the mobile device or computer resolution to make the words larger.

  • Lager Icon and lesser buttons, some are too extra and make it more complicated.

  • Can have lesser functions, no need to have lots of unnecessary functions at the front page, be straightforward.

  • Simplify the User Experience of the app, make it more straight forward.

To conclude the answer, the interviewees days that there are many websites today are designed to be ADA-accessible, which means people can use a text reader app to hear the words written on a screen. Baby-boomers can also set the mobile device or computer resolution to make the words larger. Can have lesser functions, no need to have lots of unnecessary functions at the front page, be straightforward.

Question 12

12. How do you think mobile technologies make the Baby Boomers (Elderly) easily understandable, meaningful, engaging, and motivating them towards technology 

  • Provide Tutorials on how to use the application, or give extra offers to motivate us by learning how to use the app, for example the app can have mini games or mini quests to complete, once it is completed, the user can claim the discounts vouchers

  • Guidance is very important for us. We are too new to use mobile or any other gadgets. When we learn how to use it, we can stay connected with our long-distance children and have facetime. It's something we need to adapt to.

  • Languages, guidance step by step from a to z, slowly we will adapt.

  • Bigger Icons, bigger fonts, easy payment, and Ai-guidance.

To conclude the answer, as the interviewee said that guidance is very important for them. They are too new to use mobile or any other gadgets. When they learn how to use it, they can stay connected with our long-distance children and have facetime. Bigger Icons, bigger fonts, easy payment, and Ai-guidance.

4.7 Data Collection Conclusion

In conclusion, there are 97 responses for Quantitative (Questionnaire - Google Form) and a total of 4 interviewee Qualitative ( Interview - Whatsapp and Google Form) was interviewed through google form. The conclusion is that I can see that Baby Boomers who use Online shopping on mobile phones have increased recently. But baby-boomers occasionally struggle with the mobile interface because they find it challenging to comprehend the many ways that app design and mobile interface have changed. A generally applicable design is needed for all of them. Since the majority of them have experience, the baby-boomers are quite concerned about some of the issues since they lack shopping experience. The issue of online buying is that you can't touch and feel the products. 

They find it challenging to comprehend when the interface is changing. There must be a universal design and interface for mobile graphical user interfaces and applications in order for older users to use and comprehend them. There are different perspective and answers from the Baby-boomers as some are meeting difficulties and some can adapt well.

5.0 Primary Research Reflection

When creating questions for a questionnaire survey, there are several factors to consider, including whether the questions are relevant to the goals that must be met, if they make sense, and whether or not. To avoid struggling with the questions, the researcher takes to plan it well and exceptional thinking skills to refine them continuously until they are excellent. 

This researcher discovered that it is quite difficult to find platforms with different audiences that accept survey links. No matter what platform the links are shared on, there are constant requirements that must be followed. But in the end, the researcher received a sufficient number of responses, which was surprisingly much greater than the target number they had anticipated. 

Being able to observe comments and responses from the Baby-Boomers during the data analysis process definitely opened this researcher's eyes. The fact that there were so many respondents made it challenging as some of them are not great at using the mobile that they need to ask their children to fill in or some of the baby-boomers are great at it. I was so thankful for them to help me fill in the questionnaire and also the interview question. 

6.0 Overall Conclusion and Reflection

To conclude, this research was able to find the opinions of what audiences think on the

the Challenges faced by Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping on User Experience (UX) towards Mobile Application. Data has been collected on How does User Experience affect the experience of Baby Boomers (Elderly) of Online Shopping Mobile applications in different ways.

Since in recent years, there has been a rise in the number of Baby Boomers who use mobile phones. Because it is difficult for them to understand the many different ways that mobile interface design and apps have evolved, the baby-boomers sometimes struggle with the mobile interface. There is a requirement for a design that is applicable to all of them. Those who are getting older often resort to using specialized mobile phone interfaces to find solutions to their concerns. In order to tackle the issues that they usually operate into while working on complex mobile interface design, it is necessary to have user interfaces that are straightforward. The development of new multimode applications for smartphones, with the goal of making older people easier to use. 

Online Shopping now is getting easier for everyone because everything has changed such as E-payment and not accepting cash anymore, more products can only be found online etc. The sudden and regular changes in mobile interface and also in the design of apps is creating problems for older people, mobile interface and design for older adults is important because the mobile interface is an important issue for aged people. Because of this, mobile interface and design for older adults is important. It is tough for them to understand when there are changes made to the interface. In order for older individuals to simply utilize and comprehend mobile graphical user interfaces and applications, there needs to be a universal design and interface.

Besides that, the baby-boomers are also worried on the Online shopping security as there are so many scams now. They are hugely worrying about some of the problems since most of them have experience because they lack shopping experience. The disadvantage is the lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online shopping. I did experience before as the picture shown and what I receive is different. The lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of the product on offer,Lack of interactivity in online shopping, Lack of shopping experience, Frauds in online shopping and etc that they feel unsafe as there are more considerations than this. Other than that, the baby-boomers' most concern is about their bad user experience in Online shopping and security proposed with UI design on regular updates that make them feel lost and choose not to use again.

But still there are baby-boomers who love online shopping as much as they think it is very convenient and saves time for them. The reseacher believe if the Online Shopping and Mobile app can be more concerned about Baby-boomers using, it will be improved and be accepted by most of the baby-boomers.

There are ups and downs throughout the entire research process. The downs are that

the questions and objectives that were derived from the research questions posed in the

proposal as well as the research objective were answered by the data collected during

the primary research. The response is too slow which affects the researcher submission deadline and also the interview questions keep changing and exploration, with the huge workload of homework of different subjects make the researcher feel exhausted.

Nevertheless, due to time constraints and other ongoing modules, it was

not possible for it to be completed perfectly. Other than that, the researcher done my best to do all of the research well as it was the first time a researcher did research on this module subject. The researcher was being fruitful by doing this topic/title as I learned much about Baby-boomers, what they faced, and what to improve to help them as I feel that it was worth my effort. This researcher also thinks that their overall grammar and writing skills are terrible and could use some improvements in the future.

Throughout all of the 14 weeks of research, the researcher felt amazingly happy with the outcome and how far this researcher has made. The researcher saw a growth in both her writing and analytical abilities during the data collection. Overall, the process may be

challenging, but the knowledge and information gained end up making it all worthwhile.

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